Groceries for Families: Week 28 - Day 2
Halfway through the week and things are rolling along. Everyone is certainly enjoying this warm, dry weather, especially knowing the fall rains are coming soon. This Friday there are plans to add to the canopies in the yard, in anticipation of needing to keep people dry. That will be nice. Lots of action was going on here today. The flow in this morning was loaded with fun people dropping off groceries and pantry items. We love conversations with shoppers! The afternoon was a very nice flow of families coming in. Great day!
Crossroads Bible Delivery
Calvary Chapel Eastside Delivery
Groceries today were provided by Calvary Chapel Eastside, Newport Covenant, St. Louise, Crossroads Bible, Bellevue Presbyterian, 24-Seven and Bellevue Christian Reformed churches, as well as Rotary Club of Bellevue, Bellevue Breakfast Rotary and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 163 orders came in today and all but 8 went out to families today. Thank you to everyone who donated today!
Newport Covenant Delivery
24-Seven Delivery
Exit Lane Market
Lots of extra pantry items came in today from groups and individuals. Thank you so much to everyone who continues to give these extra essential items.
The exit lane market was full again with a nice variety of items. Fresh russet potatoes, beets, baby red potatoes, onions, apples, lettuce, squash, and more were available.
Lots of non-perishables were offered. Volunteers brought food from the QFC Crossroads and a large load of soda, which is a fun treat to offer. We also put out quite a bit of frozen meat, mainly chicken and beef.
Food Box Assembly
The perishables foods for the families came from Sysco for the first time today. They are a 2nd supplier, so we wanted to see how that would go. There are a few advantages to this supplier, mainly that they will deliver directly to Jubilee.
Our delivery window was set for 9:30-11:30am. Regretfully, the truck didn’t come until 3pm. While the families were here, we were able to give them the non-perishable bag, as well as the fresh produce we purchased today with cash. We had to tell them a text would come to them when the truck comes, and they would need to return. After we sent the group text about 3:15pm, about 50 families did come back. We’ve since confirmed that tomorrow’s Sysco order will indeed come in the morning, so we’ll try one more time.
Extra volunteers were registered for this afternoon from 3:30-5:00pm, who were critical in handling this extra step. Not only did they hand out food to families, but they brought in all the extra cold items to the refrigerators and freezers. We couldn’t have done it without them. Thank you!
A personal note from Ken:
In early September, a local family with a deep connection to Jubilee contacted us with a special request. Their young daughter had some special stuffed animals, which she had determined needed a new home with a younger child to love just as she had done. My time off delayed the process, but we identified two 5-year old girls who come weekly with their moms to get groceries. I’ve developed relationships with both of them. We invited both the girls and their moms to come today at separate times in the late afternoon. The stuffed animal hand off was precious (think of the ending of Toy Story 3). Both girls went home with 5 new animals, having heard about their history and how special they are. Even the mom’s went away with a lovely care package. So wonderful!
Another personal note:
A family comes every Wednesday at 5:30pm to pick up groceries. Both parents work on Wednesday, so can’t get here any earlier. The mom came with all three kids today. She shared with me a wonderful story. They have essentially been homeless for two years and have been living in a “tiny home” the past year with outside help. Along with other financial help, she shared that this ‘Groceries for Families’ program has been an incredible blessing to them in so many ways. For sure, it has given them food and hygiene items which are all needed. Furthermore, it has allowed them to save money weekly, which they have put away for housing. This week, they had enough saved to buy a home in Lakewood, so will be moving south and no longer be homeless. She credited this program to helping them reach this goal. Today was the last day they will pick up food here, so we said goodbye. It is a wonderful story of success and we wished them well. Please pray for this sweet family as they take a step forward in life together.
Today’s PM Crew
Thanks for another wonderful day in this ‘Groceries for Families’ program. In summary, it is working! Everything you/we all are doing is making a real difference in the lives of many, many people in this community. Keep going!
Have a great evening,
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family