Jubilee REACH in the Schools
83% of people living in Bellevue are touched through our public school system. Our partnership with the Bellevue School District allows our staff, called Site Coaches, to work with students within 14 schools.
Site Coaches mentor students and support their social and emotional needs through relationship-building, classroom support, and academic coaching. They also strengthen students’ sense of belonging by facilitating after-school athletics and activities such as chess, soccer, flag football, art, and basketball.
Elementary School
In 7 Elementary Schools, students are building social, relational, and emotional skills through Jubilee REACH athletics and activities. Site Coaches also engage with students at lunch, recess, and in classrooms, providing one-on-one support.
Middle School
In all 7 middle schools, Jubilee REACH is operating free athletics and activities such as flag football, dance club, and baking club. Students are not only engaging in activities, but they are developing trusted relationships with peers and adults (Site Coaches and volunteers).
High School
Our Site Coach at Sammamish High School supports and partners with high school students as they navigate the many demands of academics, social experiences, jobs, applying for college, and complex family dynamics.