Groceries for Families: Week 34 - Day 3
No storm today…hooray! While the temperature was cooler, the dry weather was a welcome break from yesterday. It made everything easier and helped with morale, for sure. The morning was buzzing with happy shoppers. Families came steadily all afternoon, with the end of the line reaching the front a few times, which is always nice. We opened 10 minutes early and finished at 3:10pm. Nice. Very nice. A good day.
Doxa Delivery
First United Methodist Delivery
Groceries today came from Lighthouse, Highland Covenant, Sacred Heart Parish & School, Doxa, First United Methodist, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Bellevue Presbyterian and Crossroads Bible churches, as well as the Rotary Bellevue Sunrise Club and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 187 orders came in today and all went out to families today. We made about 10 extra orders at the end of the day to finish it off. Thank you to everyone who donated today.
Today’s AM Crew
We welcome two new churches to the program who will be bringing groceries beginning next week: East Shore Unitarian and Indian Fellowship. Welcome!!!
Pallet Loading
The AM volunteer crew did a great job this morning sorting all the groceries and packing the food boxes. They also loaded pallets into the truck by hand, as the pallet jack ran out of battery. (see picture to the right) The food boxes arrived about 10:30am, so no stress today about food.
A few emails from families:
Gracias todo el staf q hacen posible por repartir la comida Dios bendiga a cada uno de ustedes y muchisimas gracias a todas las personas de buen corazon q Dios les bendiga y multiplique la ayuda q nos brindan yo soy la mama de 3 hijos un niño de 12 años un niño de 9 años y una niña de 1 año y mi esposo esta desempleado desde marzo la ayuda q ustedes nos brindan es de gran ayuda he vivido en Bellevue por 17 años los cuales mi esposo siempre a trabajado muy duro para sacarnos adelanté y jamas habiamos pedido o recibido ayuda de ningun tipo hasta ahora q nuestra situacion esta muy muy difil con todo nustro corazon decimos gracias Jubliee. Maria
Thanks to all the staff who make it possible to distribute the food. God bless each of you and thank you very much to all the people with a good heart that God bless you and multiply the help you give us. I am the mother of 3 children, a child of 12 years, 9 years and 1 year old and my husband has been unemployed since March, the help that you give us is great. I’ve been living in Bellevue for 17 years which my husband has always worked very hard to get us ahead and we have never asked or received any kind of help until now that our situation is very difficult with all our hearts we say thank you jubilee. Maria
Hola buenas tardes, soy Heidy, estoy muy agradecida por el programa k ustedes hacen para nosotros , que Dios los bendiga , y claro que si he tenido un poco de problemas , pero seguire haciendo lo posible por ir a recoger esta maravillosa bendicion Que ustedes nos proveen , mil gracias.Dios los bendiga .un abrazo enorme y mi corazon lleno de gratitud para ustedes .
Hi Good Afternoon, I’m Heidy, I’m very grateful for this program that you make for us, May God bless you, and of course, I got some problems, but I will keep doing my best to go and pick up my groceries, that you provide us, a thousand thanks, God bless you, a huge hug to you and my heart is full of gratitude for you.
The biggest needs on the pantry list are baby wipes, diapers size 5 and diapers size 6. It looks like paper towels may be very difficult to find in stores, so we may have to put those on hold for the foreseeable future.
Today’s PM Crew
We end this week on a very good note, with many good things happening through this program. The registration remains capped at 701, with the waiting list growing again today.
Thank you for all your support and commitment to these families.
Peace to you all,
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family