Groceries for Families: Week 32 - Day 3
The 3rd day with families this week went off without a hitch and was a great way to end the week. The rain persisted most of the day, which made things more difficult for everyone. It definitely kept some families away, which is normal with bad weather. The shoppers braved the rain this morning and kept a steady stream of groceries and pantry items flowing in. Families came early and late, with the middle being a slight lull. For sure, there were some people waiting to see if the rain would stop. Alas, no such luck.
Crossroads Bible Delivery
Doxa Delivery
Groceries today were brought by Lighthouse, Highland Covenant, Sacred Heart Parish & School, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Bellevue Presbyterian, Doxa, Crossroads Bible, Newport Covenant and Calvary Chapel Eastside churches, as well as the Rotary Bellevue Sunrise Club and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 168 orders came in today and all went out to families.
AM Volunteers Packing Food Boxes
Volunteers brought the perishable food boxes and milk from Bellevue Presbyterian this morning. Thank you crew!
Costco delivered purchased eggs early. We purchased fresh fruit and vegetables this morning at Cash & Carry. By 10:00am, it was all in place, ready for food box construction.
The AM volunteer crew today came from Bellevue Presbyterian. We were missing a couple of people, so the smaller crew worked extra hard and got everything done. They received and prepared all the incoming groceries, as well as got the food box production started. They had a lot of fun. Thank you, crew!
A pallet of cauliflower was donated today by Cascadia Produce in Auburn. Our truck was there early to pick up two pallets. We dropped one at our partner location in White Center, Seattle. The other was brought to Jubilee with about 32 cases. Most of it went out to families today. It was very popular. A few remaining heads are still here and will go out tomorrow to anyone who comes.
We did have two carport canopies damaged by the very strong wind last night.
Volunteers came this morning to begin repairs. Using all the good parts, they put one back in place and secured it down tightly.
The other carport will need replacement parts shipped. We discovered there is a weak link in the construction, which caused the failure.
The volunteers engineered a plastic sleeve to slide over the weak link providing rigid reinforcement. Wow! Thank you Dan, Jeff, and Charlie.
Canopy Repair
Eastside Baby Corner Delivery
A delivery from Eastside Baby Corner came today. This dear partner in Issaquah has been providing a weekly delivery of diapers and more since the spring. Thank you EBC and Theresa for delivering!
A few emails from families today:
Gracias todo el staf q hacen posible por repartir la comida Dios bendiga a cada uno de ustedes y muchisimas gracias a todas las personas de buen corazon q Dios les bendiga y multiplique la ayuda q nos brindan yo soy la mama de 3 hijos un niño de 12 años un niño de 9 años y una niña de 1 año y mi esposo esta desempleado desde marzo la ayuda q ustedes nos brindan es de gran ayuda he vivido en Bellevue por 17 años los cuales mi esposo siempre a trabajado muy duro para sacarnos adelanté y jamas habiamos pedido o recibido ayuda de ningun tipo hasta ahora q nuestra situacion esta muy muy difil con todo nustro corazon decimos gracias Jublie.
Thanks to all the staff who make it possible to distribute the food. God bless each of you and thank you very much to all the people with a good heart that God bless you and multiply the help you give us. I am the mother of 3 children, a child of 12 years, 9 years, and 1 year old and my husband has been unemployed since March, the help that you give us is great. I’ve been living in Bellevue for 17 years which my husband has always worked very hard to get us ahead and we have never asked or received any kind of help until now that our situation is very difficult with all our hearts we say thank you jubilee.
Hi, I would like to thank all the people that helped and are helping to provide groceries and other items for my family each Wednesday. We are a one-income family of six. God bless you all. Have a great day! Thank you so much!
The week ends with a few items running low in the pantry inventory. Laundry pods top the list, as we look ahead to next week. Beyond that, our diaper supply is beginning to run very, very low. We’ve placed a wholesale order this week to shore up the inventory, but it won’t come until the end of November and won’t include the very popular size 6. The inventory of all sizes (newborn, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) are very low. Only size 3 is currently stable. Thank you in advance for helping to build back the inventory.
Today’s PM Crew!
Thank you for another wonderful and meaningful day in ‘Groceries for Families’. Our hope is families feel loved, seen, cared for, and supported, as well as that Jubilee is a place of safety, a place of community, a place where they are welcomed, and a place where they belong. These are relationships, not transactions. Thank you for making that happen! It is working.
Have a great evening, wherever this email finds you.
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family