Groceries for Families: Week 2 - Day 6

April 4, 2020

This last day of week 2 was sunny and warm (in the sunshine, at least), which allowed us to not use the canopies for the first time.  People showed up right at 10am and trickled in all morning.  We called people for reminders, which caused a late rush. 

Groceries were delivered by Evangelical Chinese Church of Seattle and Bellevue Presbyterian.  Of the 70 families expected, only 11 didn’t show and a few of those told us they would come Monday.  We’re working hard to get people to show up, which isn’t as easy as it could be.  For lots of families, we go through the BSD counselors, which slows the process.  But we will keep working at it.

An email from a family last night:  "Thank you so much, you guys are really good people. May God provide you much more. Have a good night."

Tomorrow is a day of rest.  Week 3 begins Monday, with new families coming off the waiting list.

Thanks for your love of this community. As someone wrote on their bag today “We’re all in this together!”

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH


Groceries for Families: Week 3 - Day 1


Groceries for Families: Week 2 - Day 5