Groceries for Families: Week 2 - Day 2

March 31, 2020

Tuesday has come and gone…another very fun and successful day.  Sixty families were invited today and most came, despite the weather getting colder all day.  People were in good moods and were very calm, following the social distancing processes we have in place.

Groceries were delivered by Cornerstone Fellowship and Crossroads Bible Church.  It is quite a sight to see 60 orders (120 bags) of groceries fill the lobby of Jubilee REACH.  Site Coaches were on hand to sort them and deliver them to families.

Day 8.jpg

Today was also a day where other volunteers who have offered to shop for bulk food items and personal hygiene items delivered their treasure to Jubilee.  Vehicles pulled up all morning and into the afternoon.  I’ll highlight two organizations, which have been connected to Jubilee for years, NCL (National Charity League) and NLYM (National League of Young Men).  These groups are highly organized and have made a scavenger hunt out of finding the hard to locate items needed.  A vehicle piled to the top pulled up, with Karyn delivering with a big smile. Thank you to all those who brought such items today and in recent days. 

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A welcome surprise delivery from the Lake Samm Foursquare Church food bank brought a lot of vegetables, potatoes, canned goods, fruit, and breads to add to the “store” in front of Jubilee.  This allows families to take a bit more, choosing what they like.  

Welcome to Creekside Covenant Church, which will be supplying groceries on Tuesdays!

Thank you all for your continued support of this program.  It is making a difference in the lives of many families in our community.

Serving together,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH


Groceries for Families: Week 2 - Day 3


Groceries for Families: Week 2 - Day 1