Groceries for Families: Week 6 - Day 1

Today begins week 6…hard to believe.  So much has happened in that time.  I look at the older pictures and laugh at all the things done better and different now.

The weather today was all over the place.  Plenty of sun but constantly breezy.  Then the rain came in the middle of the families picking up.  We couldn’t break out the canopies because the wind was strong.  Such as it is!

CityHill Church Delivery

CityHill Church Delivery

Rain City Church Delivery

Rain City Church Delivery

Groceries today were brought by Bellevue Christian Reformed, 24-Seven, Sacred Heart, Lighthouse, Rain City, Common Good, and CityHill Bellevue churches.  A total of 135 orders were delivered and all but 16 were passed out, including 20 deliveries.  The 16 were mainly new families starting in the program today, whom we think got confused.  We are working to get them to come tomorrow.

Lots of bulk hygiene and food items were brought by shoppers today.  Everyone seemed to have extra things to add.  Thank you!  The diaper supply here is stronger than ever.  Size 6 and all Pull-Ups continue to be in the highest demand.

Today families were able to get diapers & baby wipes, as well as pet food and three personal hygiene items.  Much of the stock brought in late last week is starting to go out.  Thank you to all who continue to fill the pantry.

Inside Crew.jpg

This came to me as a hand-written note from a family:  

Jubilee REACH! Thank you so much for all your hard work in feeding all the families you support through this organization.  May God strengthen you with energy and fill you with His Love, as you boldly love others.

This email came from Judy at the Bellevue School District to Randy Eng: (shared with permission)

Some days it is hard to find hope with what is going on in our world… I find hope and strength from your staff and yes, the nature God has created for us to enjoy.

I had a Dark-Eyed Junko nest I have been observing and found mom still sitting on her eggs staring at me, while her mate was scolding me to get back to work…

With all joking aside, thank you, everyone, for when I talk to you in person you always ask about me and how I am doing… You all are a blessing to me and hold you all close to my heart!  My regards to Mrs. Eng, also…. Please stay safe!

View From Above.jpg


The carport which went up in the rain on Saturday was reinforced today.  It was put up on cinder blocks to get it higher than the doors, so it could be tight to the building.  Ropes were added to stabilize it from the wind.  See picture to the right. 
So great!

Families were added to the program from the waiting list beginning today.  Current families in the program are about 454, each coming twice weekly.  We also eliminated 35 families from the program who weren’t coming consistently enough.

Thank you for your continued partnership and love of this program.  It is critical to the lives of these families, and we all need to sustain it together.

Have a good evening,

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH


Groceries for Families: Week 6 - Day 2


Groceries for Families: Week 5 - Day 6