Groceries for Families: Week 10 - Day 1

The start of a new week went very well, with the flow of the day steady all day.  The rain was expected to hold off for the afternoon, but we decided to put out the canopies, just in case.  Good thing, as the rain hung around all afternoon.  

Groceries today came from Sacred Heart, Lighthouse, Common Good, Rain City, Bellevue Presbyterian, 24-Seven, BCRC, and CityHill churches.  A total of 164 orders arrived and all but a few went out to families today (the remaining few will go out as deliveries in the morning), including 37 by delivery.  The holiday definitely kept a few of the regular families away.  It’s funny how you miss certain people you’re expecting to see on a Monday

24-Seven Church Delivery

24-Seven Church Delivery

CityHill Church Delivery

CityHill Church Delivery

Common Good Church Delivery

Common Good Church Delivery

With the holiday, we had a few different crew members, as some people took today off.  Both the AM and PM crews did great, with the new people catching on quickly.  Thank you to the substitutes today!

Pastor Wayne from Lighthouse Church came for a tour this morning and greeted his congregation dropping off groceries.  He said it was delightful, as he hasn’t seen their faces is many months. 

It was a nice surprise for the shoppers to come to Jubilee only to be greeted by their pastor.  Wayne stayed for the 1pm opening time and led us in prayer.  Thank you!

Families today were able to choose three of the personal hygiene items.  Thanks to all of you who continue to donate these pantry items.  Dish soap is the most popular and something we need more of, if anyone is still bringing a drop-off this week.  Thank you all!

Lots of extra foods came with the groceries today, including plenty of fruits and vegetables.  All of these make it to the market, so today had a great selection.  Thank you!

Food Truck from Saturday

Food Truck from Saturday

The food truck (pizza) on Saturday evening was a big success with many families returning to redeem vouchers.  The weather was perfect, and it was a nice treat for everyone. 

The same truck will be here this Thursday evening at 4pm.  Plan to come, if you can.

PM Crew.jpg

Today marks the first day of week 10 of this ‘Groceries for Families’ program.  Thank you for sustaining the energy and commitment to it.  It takes all of us to make this work, and we’re so grateful for all of you.  Thank you!

Have a great evening,

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family



Groceries for Families: Week 10 - Day 2


Groceries for Families: Week 9 - Day 6