Groceries for Families: Week 7 - Day 1
Such a busy day today. The line stretched across the yard from 12:45pm – 3:00pm. The end of the line didn’t reach the building until 3:15pm. It was calm and normal, but simply never gave a break in the action. Wow!
Rain City Church Delivery
24-Seven Delivery
Groceries today were delivered by CityHill, Common Good, Rain City, Lighthouse, Sacred Heart, Bellevue Christian Reformed, 24-Seven,
and Bellevue Presbyterian churches.
A picture to the right is the daily board. This is how we keep track of deliveries.
A total of 152 orders were delivered and all but seven went out to families today, including about 25 deliveries. The remaining seven were held back for 9 am deliveries tomorrow.
Thank you for all the effort and coordination to
get it all here.
Mother’s Day Chocolate Packing
Because of the generous donations, we are able to provide laundry detergent to all the families today through Wednesday. We did this for the first time two weeks ago and are able to do it again already. It is very, very popular and every family received it today. Thank you!
We were also able to offer “All-Purpose Cleaning Spray” for the first time today. Again, it is a very popular item. We didn’t have enough for everyone, but most of the people who requested it were given a bottle. Thank you!
The packing of chocolates for Mother’s Day started today. See the attached pictures of the crew working. The chocolate will go out Wed-Fri to all mothers, along with flowers & cards being included in grocery orders. Thank you!
Today’s Market
The market today was stocked with great extras, including fresh fruits and vegetables, and lots of dry items. Thank you for all the extras your shoppers are adding to their groceries and bringing separately. It matters!
Below is a very long email sent from one family today. I’d like to edit it down for you, but there just isn’t time to do so. So, you’re getting the whole thing. Michelle and three of her kids were in a picture back around Easter on April 10, if you want to find it on the blog, They are a sweet family.
Today marks day 1 of week 7. There are about 500 families in the program this week. I don’t have an exact number, as some are still being added from the waiting list by Daniel. I met a few of the people who came for the first time today. I could see the nervousness and timidity in their faces and responses to me. Hopefully they feel welcomed and know this is a place to find love and home, as much as food.
Have a great evening, my dear friends,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH