Groceries for Families: Week 12 - Day 6
Today was a very nice ending to a great week. The weather was rainy early this morning but it gave way to dry & warm enough. The pace was steady all morning, as families seemed to wait out the rain. We put the canopies up but didn’t need them after 10am opening time.
24-Seven Delivery
Groceries today came from Evangelical Chinese, Bellevue Presbyterian, and Victory Court churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 159 orders came in and all went out to families today. The pace of deliveries this morning was great, and we had all orders in the building well before opening time. Thank you to everyone who donated today and to everyone who helped get everything here. Enjoy the time-lapse. Thanks, Sam!
BelPres Delivery
ECC Delivery
The market today was full of some great food for families to take a little extra: apples, potatoes, canned beans, noodles, soup, tortillas, and more.
Lots of extras came in the morning which added to the market.
Thank you to everyone who gave!
Today’s Market
The hygiene pantry is well stocked and ready for Monday. Thank you to everyone who donated items. Ready!
Ready for Monday!
Today was the final day of the week for bulk ingredient items. Here’s a tally of the number of bags given out over the three days this week:
Flour: 182 bags or 374 lbs
Rice: 257 bags or 643 lbs
Beans: 239 bags or 287 lbs
Sugar: 324 bags or 308 lbs
Salt: 263 bags or 171 lbs
Here are the numbers to date over the 12 weeks:
Flour: 1771 bags or 4055 lbs
Rice: 2373 bags or 5933 lbs
Beans: 2134 bags or 2561 lbs
Sugar: 2711 bags or 2576 lbs
Salt: 2012 bags or 1308 lbs
Laundry: 1096 pods or 21,920 loads
As with each Saturday, here’s a look at statistics to date after 12 weeks:
Program Days: 72
Families currently in the program: 663+
People in these families: 2983 (approximate)
Grocery orders provided to-date: 10,370
Churches & Organizations engaged: 28
Different shoppers participating: 1100 (approximate)
As you know, we added 86 families to the program this week. We are no longer running a waiting list. Instead, families are being added to the program immediately. We are seeing a small number of families taking themselves off the program, which is encouraging. We’re also removing families which don’t come regularly enough. We’ll be monitoring this closely in the coming week, before communicating to the families again the following week about removing themselves when they can self-sustain. Right now, the balance between groceries and families is working well. Thank you!
Today’s PM Crew
Today marks the last day of week 12 of this ‘Groceries for Families’ program. It continues to work very well from all sides. Thank you all for the continued participation, prayers, support, and love for the people of our community. It’s just so great to be in this with you all.
Thanks for a great week. Tomorrow is a day of rest. Be back Monday.
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family