Groceries for Families: Week 11 - Day 4
Today was another great day in the world of ‘Groceries for Families’. This weather is simply ideal, where the doors can be open all day, and the building stays just the right temperature. Families are warm, without getting hot. Somehow, it just makes the mood all around so nice.
View from Above
Groceries today came from Sacred Heart School, Kalos, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Redeemer, Sacred Heart Parish, First United Methodist, and Bellevue Presbyterian churches. A total of 183 orders came in and all but 24 went out, including 21 by delivery. The other 24 usually would have gone out by delivery today, but we ran short of time today. They will go out tomorrow.
Redeemer Church Delivery
Sacred Heart Delivery
Kalos Church Delivery.
You can see below a few different pictures showing the lobby from different angles with the PM crew. That’s what it looks like with 183 orders. At the start, the floor space is quite minimal. Once the operation opens, it clears out pretty quickly around the edges.
PM Crew
PM Crew
Today started with a 7:15am delivery of a reach-in refrigerator from the Bellevue School District. The BSD is kindly loaning us the machine for the summer and is a welcome sight.
We’ve been using the Jubilee units as efficiently as possible, but they just aren’t enough to keep everything cold, while also keeping the operation moving.
Having this extra unit changes the entire equation and was instant joy to the crews today.
Thank you BSD!
Families today were able to get bulk ingredients: rice, pinto beans, sugar, salt, flour, butter, and cooking oil. These items are quite popular, and it’s fun to sometimes hear from people how they use them. Some have rice every day. Others love baking. Others cook from scratch. Thank you to everyone who keeps the pantry full.
A few emails from families:
I would like to thank everybody who makes this program possible for everyone who needs help. In times like this, all your effort and sacrifice are greatly appreciated. Thank you especially for all the sponsors and donors. I’ve been supporting my siblings and these groceries make a big difference. The little money I have to be sent to them. They don't have a job too. COVID affects us greatly. So I’ve had to budget everything in order for me to help them too. Again thank you all.
The groceries and TP have been incredibly helpful!!! I don't know that we would have enough food without your help. This last delivery also had two ham sandwich kits. My son (8) is an in-patient at Children's Hospital, and I brought them to him. Plain ham and cheese sandwiches are actually his "favorite food." He asked me to send you this photo of him enjoying the delicious sandwich. I also wonder if you can hold back any tortillas, as well as eggs, milk, and canned food. If you have canned green beans, that's their favorite. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. These deliveries are a Godsend!
Today we welcome a new group to the grocery shopping schedule. The Bellevue School District staff and teachers have a group sign up list for each day called ‘Jubilee Friends’. It went out this morning and already has 3 orders coming tomorrow. With most of the families in the program having children in the BSD, this is a really cool way for the staff/teachers to pour some love into the kids they miss and care so much about. Thank you and welcome!
Thank you for just a wonderful day. There is a lot of joy and positive energy around this place. When Patrick prayed for us to start, he specifically talked about all the people who provide everything that is passed to the families. Your love is received and passes right along. Thank you.
Have a great evening,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family