Groceries for Families: Week 15 - Day 4

The wind last night blew three of the canopies across the lawn.  So much for summer weather.  They are back in place now, with no harm done.  We had some light rain today and cool temps, but by the afternoon it turned out to be a nice day.  The operation today was very smooth.  The pace of families coming seemed to be all or nothing, with a few very busy times and a few times with no one here.  That was strange.    Overall, it was another great day.

Kalos Delivery

Kalos Delivery

Redeemer Delivery

Redeemer Delivery

Groceries today came from Sacred Heart, Kalos, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Bellevue Presbyterian, Redeemer, First United Methodist, and Doxa churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group.  A total of 179 orders came in and all but 10 went out to families, including 36 by delivery.  The morning inflow was steady from 9am-12pm and lots of fun.  Thank you to everyone who participated today.

Lots of hygiene items and diapers arrived this morning. 

Wow!  Thank you so much for responding.  The supply of #6 diapers is now well-stocked.  The supply of #5 diapers is now stable.  Both were near empty days ago. 

The largest needs now are #4 diapers (6 boxes remaining) and toilet paper (there is enough to get through Saturday).

Diaper Delivery

Diaper Delivery

A few emails from families:

  • Hola Daniel, Solo queria dejarle saber que ya no necesito más la ayuda de las despensas, todavia no estoy al 100% en mi trabajo pero creo que ya puedo yo comprar mi comida para mi y mi familia, le estoy muy agradecida a Ud y al programa de jubilee y de bell-press por brindarme estos alimentos durante esta difícil situación. Muchísimas gracias. 

Hello Daniel, Just wanted to let you know we do not need help with groceries anymore. We are not at 100% with my job but I think I can buy groceries for me and my family. I am very thankful to you and this program at Jubilee and BelPres for providing these groceries during this difficult situation. Thank you very much.  Lulu

  • Hola. Quiero agradecerles enormemente la gran ayuda que nos han brindado a toda la comunidad. En tiempos difíciles ustedes nos extendieron la mano. Y gracias a eso no nos falto comida. Y gracias por los productos de calidad en alimentos, artículos de aseo y pañales. Un millón de gracias.

Hello, I want to thank you immensely for the great help you have given the whole community. In these difficult times, you extended a hand. Thanks to this we were not without food. Thank you for the quality of the products of food, the house essentials, and diapers. A million thanks.

  • Hello, I'm one of the clients that receive groceries from jubilee reach. I just wanted to take the time and thank you for all you do.  Sarah

(Note from Ken:  I’ve had the chance to notice Sarah (I changed her name) since she entered the program in May.  She is young (maybe 20-30’s), very timid, quiet, and has a constant look of worry across her face.  She replies when I talk with her, but the answers are very short.  I don’t know any details about her life, but my heart hurts for whatever burden she is carrying these days.  For now, we just chat, and I wave across the grass.  I just want her to know that we see her, know she is here, and welcome her.  Maybe that’s enough for now.  Maybe more will happen in the coming days.  I saw her walking down the street last night coming back for the food truck, as I drove to an appointment.  I was glad she was coming to get dinner.)

When groceries are being dropped off, there are regularly comments of support shared with the crew.  There are some quite touching stories of what being involved with this program has meant to some people.  Thank you for those words. 

Today’s PM Crew

Today’s PM Crew

Thanks for another nice day.  Things continue to go well on all sides of this ‘Groceries for Families’ program.  Thank you for all your support and involvement to sustain it.  There was a shopper delivering groceries this morning with a sweatshirt saying “We’re all in this together”.  That phrase never grows old.  It is so true.  

Blessings to you all,

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family 


Groceries for Families: Week 15 - Day 5


Groceries for Families: Week 15 - Day 3