Groceries for Families: Week 18 - Day 2

Today was the perfect kind of busy (and it was very busy), with a steady stream of things happening all day.  There were no huge rushes and no dead time.  It all just kept coming.  For sure, the crew loves this.  Many, many families came today.  In fact, nearly every name on the list came today.  Plus, Tuesday’s have lots of large families, which get two orders of groceries.  The heat from yesterday let up today just enough to be comfortable.  Great day!

Creekside Delivery

Creekside Delivery

BelPres Delivery

BelPres Delivery

Groceries today came from Crossroads Bible, Cornerstone, Westminster Chapel, Creekside Covenant, and Bellevue Presbyterian churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group.  A total of 166 orders came in, including those carried over from yesterday, and all went out to families today, including 3 by delivery.  We used the last grocery order right at 3pm and then used a few more of the food boxes (described below) for a few late families.  Thank you to everyone who participated today.

Pastor Gerardo

Pastor Gerardo

Pacific Coast Produce was right on time at 7:00am to deliver 5 pallets of food boxes this morning.  Pastor Gerardo and his wife from El Dios Viviente United Methodist Church in White Center, Seattle arrived with their van to take the three pallets of cold items. 

As you’ve read before, we have a great partnership with this church and community.  Pastor Gerardo uses these food boxes to not only provide needed nourishment to many families, but he is also ministering to the surrounding community through it all.  It is a wonderful outcome of this crisis, and they are shepherding their community with love.  We are blessed to be working with them.  They will return tomorrow afternoon to pick up more food boxes.  Please pray for their church, their congregation, their community, and all that is happening there through this food distribution.

Exit Lane

Exit Lane

There wasn’t a market today because the food boxes are stored under the big carport canopy.  However, there were plenty of fresh foods to make a line of tables for people to take from as they exited. 

See to the left for a picture taken facing the building entrance.  Families enter from the right of the tables and exit to the left. 

On the tables were blueberries, bread, tomatoes, Brussel sprouts, grapes, mushrooms, ravioli, cauliflower (All donated from Trader Joes – Thank you Fred!), as well as potatoes, onions, and apples.


In the early morning, we open all the doors and get the fans blowing the cool air in.  It is just great and makes such a difference while the crew is here.  On really hot days, the building warms up in the afternoon, and there’s nothing we can do about it.  Thanks, Dean and Charlene for the extra fans this week!

Food truck tomorrow night, 4-7pm!  Delfino’s Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza

An email from a family:

  • Hi, this message is to inform you that I will no longer need to pick up groceries from you guys. I also wanted to thank you for all the help that you have provided for us during all this difficult time my family and I give thanks 🙏🏻 and God bless you guys thanks again for everything.


A note from Ken:

  • As you know, there are many families exiting the program this week.  We are getting many, many verbal notes of thanks, which need to be passed to all of you.  Please know there is abundant gratitude from all of these families.  Thank you!



With some deliveries, we acquire wooden pallets, which are bulky and heavy.  We’ve made a pile of them near the front sidewalk, and they steadily disappear, as people take them. 

A picture of Jakeh on the right (crew member and site coach at Big Picture).  He is one of our resident strong-men, charged with carrying them to the street.  Just being a little silly here. 😊

Today’s PM Crew

Today’s PM Crew

Thanks for another great day.  Have a lovely evening, wherever you are.

Blessings to you all,

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family


Groceries for Families: Week 18 - Day 3


Groceries for Families: Week 18 - Day 1