Groceries for Families: Week 19 - Day 3
Halfway through the week and things are moving along smoothly. Today was full of activity, which is always a great sign. The morning had groceries & hygiene items coming in steadily, as well as a nice diaper delivery. The afternoon was very busy with lots of food going out steadily. The weather was very pleasant, with only the direct sun in the afternoon feeling hot. The shade was very nice, and the building didn’t boil over inside. Thanks for a great day!
Highland Covenant Delivery
Groceries today came from Bellevue Presbyterian, Highland Covenant, St. Louise and Bellevue Christian Reformed churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 136 orders came in and all went out to families today. The remaining food boxes from yesterday were picked up by Pastor Guzman at 3pm today. Thank you to everyone who participated today!
NCL NLYM Delivery
BCRC Delivery
Diaper Delivery
Nice delivery of diapers arrived early this morning from the Baby Basics Ministry at Bellevue Presbyterian. Thank you for the boost in the supply!
A Jubilee crew member did the weekly chicken purchase at Costco this morning.
Thank you to everyone who donated money to make this happen!
From 10am-2pm, Barb and Kate portioned it all out into ziplock bags. It is now freezing in two separate freezers, getting ready to go out to families over the next three days. Thank you, Barb and Kate, for this weekly effort.
The Tuesday Sr. Lunch went out yesterday to 25 seniors in the community. Barb and her crew put a lot of love and care into this weekly outreach. Thank you for caring for these dear people in this way!
The Food Truck will return tomorrow night, Cubano-Mexi. Please come if you can!
A personal story from Ken:
You’ve all been following along the story of the wife whose husband is receiving treatment for a recurring brain tumor. Many of you have supported her directly by giving and prayers. She showed up at noon today, one hour early, asking to talk with me in private. You may remember she recently received two parking tickets in the mail for failing to stop at the right-on-red near Whole Foods on NE 8th. Donations covered those $124 fines. Well, a third ticket arrived on July 8. She no longer uses that intersection so she was very unhappy to have this happen again. I could instantly see and feel the stress she is under because of it. She shared how she and her husband drove to find the courthouse to pay the fine this morning but simply could not find the building. They had the address but just went around and around. She burst into tears as she shared how her husband’s brain injury would not allow him to understand the GPS. Her heart is broken over what has happened to him through all the treatment. She leaned against the wall to support herself as she cried. My heart ached for her and their family. Wow. We eventually figured out that the fine can be paid online. We went to my office and got it paid with her debit card, on which she had deposited gifts from some of you. Such a relief to her. For sure, despite being here since 2007, she feels very lost and confused in this culture. My words hopefully gave her encouragement and strength, assuring her that she is doing great. She showed me pictures of her husband and the original scans from 2017 when the brain tumor first appears and was removed surgically. Oh my. She left in good spirits. She said her daughter had a wonderful 16th birthday last Saturday. Please pray for their family.
The 45 families on the waiting list were invited back today at 3pm to receive a full ‘hospitality box’ of great food. Unfortunately, only 10 families came. We are working on ideas of how to get more of them to come. We have the food, so just need a way to get it to them.
Today’s PM Crew
This day is ending with bright sunshine and warm air. Hopefully, you are enjoying the evening wherever you are tonight. Thanks for a great day.
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family