Groceries for Families: Week 19 - Day 6

Welcome to August!  The temperature today was the coolest of the week this morning, so it sure didn’t feel like summer.  But it was great working weather for this operation.  The sun is coming out now, as this email goes out.  Today went very well, with a flurry of activity this morning between 8:30-10:00am.  The pace of families was steady all morning, which was great to see.  It was a nice way to end the week.

BelPres Delivery

BelPres Delivery

Groceries today came from Victory Court, Evangelical Chinese and Bellevue Presbyterian churches.  A total of 120 orders came in and all went out to families today, as did many of the carryover orders from previous days.  Thank you to everyone who donated today!

Victory Court Delivery

Victory Court Delivery

Evangelical Chinese Delivery

Evangelical Chinese Delivery

Today’s Market

Today’s Market

From the Farmer Frog pick up yesterday, the market was well stocked today:  apples, onions, potatoes, watermelon, and bananas. 

Lots of extras came in with groceries today, there was plenty of canned good, noodles, soup, and more. 

We also put out all the remaining dairy products which had come in with food boxes this week: milk, half & half, yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese. 

El Dios Viviente Methodist Church from Seattle was welcomed at noon today to pick up all the remaining fresh items which need to get to families.  Pastor Guzman is supporting his own congregation and the surrounding community, so it is a wonderful way to help even more people in need.  Their truck took many banana boxes, the last bin of watermelon, produce boxes, dairy, and the last remaining grocery orders.  So great!

Today was the last day for bulk foods to be offered to families.  They were able to choose 3 from a list of rice, pinto beans, sugar, salt, and flour.  The crew has now flipped the entire lobby to be ready for hygiene to be offered on Monday.  Thank you to everyone who helps fill the pantry each week.

One update from Ken:

  • The wife whose husband receiving treatment for brain tumor was here this morning and seemed a little shaken.  When I asked her if everything was ok, she apologized for always having bad news.  Her husband took a fall yesterday in Fred Meyer.  He didn’t injure himself badly but is sore today.  She was able to lift him, as he’s lost weight over the past two months of radiation and chemo.  But it scared them both, and they will now be more careful with him when walking.  Please continue to pray for them.

Here’s a quick count of the bulk food going out this week:

  • Flour: 71 bags or 146 lbs

  • Rice: 145 bags or 363 lbs

  • Beans: 159 bags or 191 lbs

  • Sugar: 217 bags or 163 lbs

  • Salt: 149 bags or 75 lbs

As with each Saturday, here’s a look at statistics to date after 19 weeks:

  • Program Days: 114

  • Families currently in the program: 470+

  • People in these families: 2115 (approximate)

  • Families on the waiting list: 56

  • Grocery orders provided to-date: 18,576

  • Churches & Organizations engaged: 28

  • Different shoppers participating: 950 (approximate)

We end this week with about 470 families in the program, each invited twice per week.  The waiting list is at 56 families.  There are about 20 families who are exiting the program this week, so Monday will begin with about 450 families in the program, plus the waiting list. 

Today’s Crew

Today’s Crew

Today marks the last day of week 19 of this ‘Groceries for Families’ program.   It continues to cruise right along with so many good things happening.  Thank you all for the continued participation, prayers, support, and love for the people of our community.  It’s just so great to be in this with you all.

Thanks for a great week.  Tomorrow is a day of rest.  Be back Monday.

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family


Groceries for Families: Week 20 - Day 1


Groceries for Families: Week 19 - Day 5