Groceries for Families: Week 21 - Day 3

This is Ashley, reporting today on behalf of the great Ken Carpenter. I hope this finds you well and thank you in advance for your incredible support and patience as I attempt to fill some big shoes. So far things have gone extremely well and it is so fun to be able to be outside and greet people as they deliver groceries and various hygiene, bulk, and market items. Seeing faces to names has been so exciting, although the masks make it hard, but safety first!

Today was really busy and I put in 8,000 steps in the morning shift alone!

We had drop-offs from Costco (thank you to Evangelical Chinese Church) of hygiene items, many wonderful gardeners from around the area who brought in fabulous, fresh produce, Sharon from 24-Seven, and grocery orders from Bel Pres, Highland Covenant, Bellevue Christian Reformed Church, St. Louise, and Jubilee Friends! 

Sharon from 24-Seven Church

Sharon from 24-Seven Church

Fresh Produce!

Fresh Produce!

Thank you so much to everyone for your consistent and gracious love and support to these dear families.

A total of 135 orders came in and all were given out today. I think the families knew that Ken was gone today because we had many of them start lining up extra early 😉 

Maybe they could smell the fresh produce. Our wonderful volunteers today were led by the great Sam and they get their tasks done in record time.

Today’s PM Crew

Today’s PM Crew

The afternoon shift went really smooth and some of the site coaches and myself tried to practice our Spanish. Always a funny sight to see. We also have the yummy “Cascadia Pizza” truck here tonight from 4-7pm. Spirits are still really high as we feel the love and support from all of you around us. 

That’s all for today, but pray that Ken gets lots of rest and relaxation with his sweet family. He has put so much heart and time into this program. I know he misses you all though 😊 I hope to be able to meet many of you throughout the rest of the week. 


Stay safe and kind my friends!

Ashley Page
Events Manager, Jubilee REACH


Groceries for Families: Week 21 - Day 4


Groceries for Families: Week 21 - Day 2