Groceries for Families: Week 23 - Day 2
Wow, what a busy day! The addition of registering people added a whole layer of complexity – see details below. Tuesdays are always busy and today felt like two Tuesdays. The morning was a great flow of incoming groceries and pantry items. The afternoon had two lines for families and the rush for food came right near the end. The crew must have put out 60 orders in the last 30. At 3:10pm, when calm was restored, we all took a long breath. The goal was to get to the end, and we made it.
Cornerstone Delivery
Creekside Covenant Delivery
Groceries today came from Westminster Chapel, Cornerstone, Creekside Covenant, Bellevue Presbyterian and Crossroads Bible churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 111 orders came in today and all went out to families, including 13 by delivery. Additionally, another 60 orders went out as food boxes to families. That’s a total of 171 orders going out. See…busy.
El Dios Viviente
As with all Tuesdays, the truck arrived right at 7:00am to deliver five pallets of food boxes.
Three pallets are intended for our partners at El Dios Viviente Methodist Church in White Center, Seattle.
Pastor Guzman was here early with two vehicles to pick up the boxes. He is supporting 300+ families in the community around the church, and we’ve been blessed to be partners with them since the spring.
For the other two pallets, volunteers unpacked all the perishables into refrigeration. We pulled out 10 pounds of potatoes and 3 pounds of onions, replacing them with bread, eggs, tomatoes, and chips. All 60 orders went out to families today. That has never happened before.
Exit Lane
The exit line was full of extra food today. Nice delivery from the QFC Crossroads came in from a volunteer today.
Plums and prunes have started to show up from local orchards.
Tomatoes have also started to appear. Thank you to everyone who continues to give extras for the market area.
Senior lunches were delivered today by Barb and her crew to 25 people in the community. The main course was homemade Shepard’s Pie, but Barb always adds extra goodies and touches of love. Thank you!
As you read yesterday, families are being asked/required to re-register for the new program which begins next Tuesday.
This is so we can ensure the best and correct contact information is in the new database. Additionally, we’re gathering details about any dietary restrictions and allergies. Families are being issued an ID card for the program, which will need to be presented each time they come. This will help expedite the daily check-in process.
A picture of Kandan on the right registering someone today is attached. Kandan is a Site Coach at Chinook Middle School and the builder of our spreadsheet. Thank you!
It was a big ask for the families to wait in line to register. It took up to 30 minutes, just for that line today because of the sheer volume of people. However, all of them showed great patience and understanding, which was so appreciated. They fully understand the program is shifting but is definitely remaining in place to support their families. For sure, the relationship and trust between them and Jubilee REACH is very solid.
It was interesting to listen and watch the families today. For some, there is a great relief to know this program will be here next week. For others, there is even excitement. As I watched people today, knowing so many of them by face only, I couldn’t help think about their story and what is happening in their lives. For most, we simply don’t know. Yet, they come twice a week and allow us to enter into their lives a little bit. It must be hard to come and ask for food. Hopefully, they continue to feel love, respect, compassion, community, and that there are people in this community who care.
We are all on this journey together. Without question, the impact of this program is being felt by the shoppers and donors, as much as the families. As with all mission work, it is you who usually gets changed by helping others. This is no different. The crew definitely feels it. Hopefully you do too. Thank you for all you’re doing to make this possible.
Today’s PM Crew
As written yesterday, this program will change next week. You can sign up through your participating church to bring the new grocery list. If you don’t have a church participating, you can sign up through the Jubilee Friends link: It will be extended tomorrow into September. Thank you in advance for continuing with these families.
Have a great evening, wherever this find you tonight,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family