Groceries for Families: Week 20 - Day 4
So, who ordered the rain? If you had plans today, so sorry. Sacred Heart Parish had Confirmation outside today. Hopefully, it went well despite the weather. At Jubilee REACH the rain didn’t arrive until about 8am and then came steadily for about three hours. Deliveries this morning were in the cold and rain. The AM crew had a mixed response: a few of us were cold & wanted a blanket, while a few others were in t-shirts, shorts and still were hot. The sun came out right at 1pm when we opened for families, which was great. Yet the rain persisted and is still coming down now, as this email goes out. Despite all this, the rain was a welcome change, and the operation ran very smoothly.
Doxa Delivery
Overlake Park Pres Delivery
Groceries today came from Kalos, Sacred Heart, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Redeemer, First United Methodist, Doxa, and Bellevue Presbyterian, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 153 orders came in and all but 36 went out to families today, including 21 by delivery. Ten more deliveries will go out tomorrow from this set. Thursday last week was very short of families coming, which we don’t have an exact reason for today. Today was better, for sure, but still lighter than expected. The remaining groceries will definitely be used tomorrow, as there are many large families then which receive two orders, so the extra is great. Thank you to everyone who donated today!
First United Methodist Delivery
Redeemer Delivery
The full market returned today and had some nice fresh foods brought by volunteers from the QFC Crossroads. Thank you! There was plenty of space for non-perishables, which had been building in inventory for the past few days. Because of the rain, we had to shrink the tables in a bit to stay dry, but it was a well-stocked market. Thank you to everyone who gave extras!
Through Awakening Church and Liberty Road Foundation, food boxes were available to Jubilee today from the Union Gospel Mission warehouse in Kent. Thank you, partners! Delivery was made by Medosweet Farms, which was directed to El Dios Viviente Methodist Church in White Center, Seattle where we’ve partnered with Pastor Guzman to support about 300 families each week with food. Every box reached a family this afternoon. Thank you to everyone who makes this happen!
Eastside Baby Corner Delivery
The crew took the Jubilee REACH Thrift Store truck to Farmer Frog in Woodinville yesterday, bringing back a nice delivery of boxes containing apples, white onions, and potatoes.
They are piled just outside the front door and had to be covered with a tarp because of the rain.
We’ve started keeping such fresh items outside because the building inside stays so warm. It’s much cooler during the night outside, so they stay fresher. Thanks to the crew who made the drive and handled the unloading. Thank you to Farmer Frog for being such a great partner.
Another great partner is Eastside Baby Corner in Issaquah. Each Thursday, a Jubilee REACH staff member picks up a carload of diapers and other great items. They’ve been an essential partner since this program began way back in the spring. A picture of Ashley and today’s carload is above. Thank you!
The food truck will be here tomorrow night, 4-7pm. It will be Mexican food from ‘Ay Guey!’. Come if you can.
An email from a family today:
Hola! Quiero agradecer profundamente a Jubilee Reach y a todas las personas que hicieron posible la gran ayuda que me brindaron a mi y a mi familia durante esta pandemia y a cada uno de los voluntarios que aportaron mucho de su valioso tiempo y a los que donaron también por que Gracias a ellos no nos faltó comida en nuestra mesa durante esta crisis. Yo y mi familia antes de la pandemia estábamos pasando por unos momentos muy difíciles en nuestro hogar, después vino la pandemia y yo y mi esposo no teníamos trabajo, pero Gracias a Dios un personal de Stevenson me puso en su lista para poder obtener comida para mi y mi familia y estoy muy agradecida con todos ustedes por esta gran ayuda que me brindaron Gracias!! Muchas Gracias!!! Dios bendiga a cada uno de ustedes y a sus familias también.
Hello! I want to deeply thank Jubilee REACH and all the people who made possible this great help that you gave me and my family during this pandemic and to each volunteer that gave so much of their valuable time and all who donated too because thanks to them we did not go without food during this crisis. My family and I, before the pandemic was going through some difficult moments in our home, then the pandemic came and my husband and I did not have jobs, but thanks to God a staff member from Stevenson (Elementary School) put me on the list so I could receive food for my family and me, and I am very grateful with all of you for this grand help you have given me. Thank you!! Many thanks!!! God bless each of you and your families as well.
Today’s PM Crew
Thanks for a great day. The sun is due to return tomorrow and for the weekend. Yay!
Blessings to you all,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family