Groceries for Families: Week 25 - Day 2
We’re getting better at this Version 1.5, but it remains quite difficult requiring lots of labor. Whew! The AM crew is very busy receiving groceries & pantry items, unloading the food boxes, and beginning the sorting & packing required. The PM crew continues the sorting & packing, as well as serving all the families. The logistics are a lot to pull it together, but so worth it to send families home with lots of food for the week. In short, it is working. The mix of fresh foods, non-perishables, and hygiene items is excellent. Thank you!
Victory Court Delivery
Bellevue Christian Reformed Delivery
Groceries today were provided by 24-Seven, Bellevue Presbyterian, Victory Court, Crossroads Bible, St. Louise, Newport Covenant, Bellevue Christian Reformed, as well as the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club, and Jubilee Friends group. A total of 160 orders came in today and all but 16 went out to families. Extra came in today, which normally come yesterday. Thank you everyone for the love poured into the donations! So great!
Unloading Food Boxes
We are continuing to get fresh food from Farmer Frog in Woodinville, which is getting food boxes provided by the federal government.
The Jubilee REACH truck was at the farm early this morning to be in line. Ed returned with 6 pallets of food boxes. (See photo to the right).
The crew unloaded them and quickly sorted them to add eggs, tomatoes, and bananas.
The result is a well-packed variety of fresh foods, including dairy, meat, and produce. Zsofia at FF runs a great operation. We are fortunate to have her as a partner. One of the pallets was picked up by Pastor Gerardo at El Dios Viviente Church in West Seattle.
Fresh vegetables and fruit continue to arrive daily from local gardeners. The King County Master Gardeners, Holy Cross Lutheran Gardeners, and Creekside Covenant Gardeners all make regular deliveries. Thank you!!!
Pastor Trenton
Pastor Trenton came and was part of the PM crew today, from Lighthouse Church. He carried groceries to cars and filled in many gaps all afternoon. Thank you, Trenton!
The food truck will be here tomorrow night from 4pm-7pm. It is Mexican cuisine from Ay Guey. Come if you can.
Today’s PM Crew
More families came today to enter the program. The need remains high in our community. Thank you for all you are doing to care for these dear members of our community. It is where we should be.
Erika will continue these emails for a few weeks, still using this account. I’ll be writing again on Sep 29th.
Bless you all,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family