Groceries for Families: Week 42 - Day 3
The last day of week 20 of V2 ends on a very positive note. The sun was shining…most of the day. The temperature was chilly but mostly tolerable. After the heavy rain Tuesday and the storm, the last two days of dry weather are very welcome. While the last two days had a line of families all afternoon, today was a much slower pace. After the initial line went through, the rest of the day had no more than 5 families in line and sometimes 0. By the end of the day, plenty of people came but it just felt different. The morning was a flurry of people dropping off groceries, pantry items, and milk. Thank you for the donations! Another great day here.
Overlake Park Pres Delivery
Sacred Heart Delivery
Groceries today were provided by Highland Covenant, Sacred Heart Parish & School, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Doxa, First United Methodist, Bellevue Presbyterian, Crossroads Bible, Newport Covenant and Lighthouse churches, as well as Rotary Bellevue Sunrise, Champions Foundation and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 189 orders were delivered today and all went out to families today, along with a few carried over from yesterday. Thank you to everyone who donated today.
Today’s AM Crew
The AM volunteers were from Bellevue Christian Reformed Church today. This team of 9 worked hard receiving and organizing all the groceries, as well as milk & other items. They packed 135 food boxes, too. Thank you, crew!
Food was purchased today at Smart Foodservice which was packed into plastic shopping bags for each family. Each bag contains eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, bananas, green pepper, onion, carrots, and cucumber. We feel it is very important to provide fresh foods. Additionally, families were provided with frozen meat, given a choice of ham, beef, or chicken. Volunteers brought food from Whole Foods Bellevue this morning too. Volunteers also brought food from a supplier in Everett. Thank you, everyone!
El Dios Viviente
Our partner in White Center, Seattle came this afternoon at 4pm. Pastor Gerardo at El Dios Viviente Church is supporting 400 families in their community, and we have been partners with them since the spring.
At the end of each week, we pass along as much food as possible for his crew to distribute. A picture is to the right of Gerardo (right) and Hector. Their van was full today with food which will reach families this afternoon. Please pray for him and their community. We are so blessed to be connected to them.
Thank you for the extra milk donations for the 2nd week. We will continue to rely on donors to provide milk for the next three weeks, approximately. We should have news on the USDA boxes next week.
One resourceful shopper has made arrangements with the Bridle Trails Grocery Outlet to help support the ‘Groceries for Families’ program. For each 5 GFF complete grocery orders purchased by a single shopper at their store, the owners (Annica & Mike), will donate 1 extra complete order. They are very enthusiastic to help support the families in this program. There is no limit, either. Additionally, they will pack the bags in advance for a shopper.
If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, call the store in advance and talk to Annica or Mike. Mention Jubilee REACH and make arrangements for a pick-up day/time. They will have the bags waiting for you.
Thank you, Rob!
Today’s PM Crew!
Thank you for another great week. This program continues to amaze. There are so many of you pulling together to support about 3800 people in our community who are struggling because of the virus. Thank you, thank you, thank you…a million times, thank you.
Have a great evening and upcoming weekend,
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family