Groceries for Families: Week 47 - Day 2
February 17, 2021
What started out with rain early this morning gave way to a dry morning and even a sunny afternoon. The temperature was slower to cooperate, but it eventually felt warmer by the afternoon. Who even remembers the snow?! The morning was buzzing with lots of happy people dropping off groceries, pantry, and hygiene items. Wow, so many people! Thank you everyone! Families lined up early and kept a steady pace all afternoon. We even went into overtime after 3:30pm, which is not great for the operational schedule, but we were able to accommodate. Great day!
Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Delivery
Groceries today were provided by St. Louise, Newport Covenant, Calvary Chapel Eastside, Indian Fellowship, Crossroads Bible, Bellevue Christian Reformed, and Bellevue Presbyterian, as well as the Rotary Club of Bellevue, the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club, and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 259 orders came in today (thank you for the extras!) and all but 38 went out to families today. The remainder will go out first thing tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who donated today.
Bellevue Rotary Club Delivery
Jubilee Friends Delivery
The AM volunteers came from Bellevue Presbyterian today, including 3 young kids who worked hard! The food box truck was right on time, and they quickly packed half of them with fresh produce. They processed all 259 grocery orders and had a blast doing it. Thank you, crew!
The market today was full of deliveries from QFC and Trader Joe’s. Volunteers also brought a delivery from a local distributor of individually wrapped sandwiches, salads, meals, snacks, and more. Very popular! Thank you to all the volunteers who bring such foods here regularly. You add so much to this program!
Today’s AM Crew
Soap & Oil
Families are offered cooking oil and dish soap daily if they bring their own container. A picture of that station today with Sheri is on the right.
A staff person manages it just outside the library. It is a great opportunity to talk with families and make the experience for them less transactional. A little candy is there, too, for any kids who come through. Sheri and Barb manage this incredibly well. Thank you to them and thank you to all who donate the oil and soap.
A few stories:
Angelina came for groceries yesterday and asked what she could cook for the crew. She has brought a few things over the past month, which is all fantastic. She made a Pazole from her El Salvadoran family recipe which was incredible. We requested beef tacos, which she has also made before, and gave her frozen beef for it. Her husband and grandson brought them this afternoon. Be careful of the hot sauce…it is not for the weak. This family continues to express their gratitude through cooking.
Rose is a long-time family who comes on Wednesday and is simply delightful. Originally from Kenya, she is friendly, fun, and engaging. She has regularly asked for prayers for her to find a job. In early January, we brainstormed some ideas of places she could apply, one of them being Home Depot. She came back the next week saying she had applied there but nothing had happened since. Today, she bounced in with excitement telling us Home Depot had hired her. She’ll work 20 hours to start at the south downtown location, making $19 per hour. They expect to increase her hours in the coming months. She is fine with the location and hopes to transfer to the Bellevue location if the opportunity ever comes up. For now, she is overjoyed to find employment. She credits the prayer and support she gets from Jubilee REACH.
As relayed yesterday, we’ve invited the 59 families from the waiting list to enter the program. Yesterday, 8 showed up. Today, another 12 or so came. We asked them to come Thursday, so we expect many more to come tomorrow. It is quite fun to see the sticker on their chest showing the staff they are new the program. They are welcomed by all of us and made to feel special, which they are.
Today’s PM Crew
Thanks for another great day in ‘Groceries for Families’. The support offered to these families is working. Thank you, everyone! Please keep going.
Have a great evening, wherever this entry finds you.
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family