Groceries for Families: Week 48 - Day 2
Well, it wasn’t quite spring today, but it was starting to feel that way by the end of the afternoon. The morning was quite chilly, which is good for keeping food cold. The afternoon crew was taking jackets off, once they got moving. It was nice to be dry and have no wind. Wednesdays are a very busy day, with many, many people coming all morning with groceries, hygiene, and pantry items. Thank you, everyone! It’s so fun to see so many faces…well, eyeballs. The afternoon was a steady line for 2.5 hours. It felt calm and not rushed, but the pace never let up. In the end, it was one of the busiest days, in terms of the quantity of food sent out, that we’ve ever had. The last person was served right at 3:30pm. Loved this day!
Indian Fellowship Delivery
Jubilee Friends Delivery
Groceries today were provided by St. Louise, Indian Fellowship, Crossroads Bible, Calvary Chapel Eastside, Newport Covenant, Bellevue Christian Reformed, 24-Seven and Bellevue Presbyterian churches, as well as the Rotary Club of Bellevue, the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 275 orders came in today (thank you for the extras!) and all but 30 went out to families today. The remainder will go out first thing tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who donated today!
Today’s AM Crew
The AM volunteers today were primarily from Bellevue Presbyterian Church. Unlike yesterday, where the food boxes arrived very late at 11:30am, today’s boxes arrived at 8:45am. (This is why it is good the temperature was cold.) The crew worked very hard to receive and process all the groceries, as well as bring in many pantry and hygiene donations. They also packed 120 food boxes with fresh produce. Well done, crew! Thank you.
The crew was spoiled by two ladies today bringing homemade food, both from El Salvador. Angelina brought her, now famous, beef tacos with extra-hot sauce. BOOM! Be careful. Her son, Brian, delivered them to us. Secondly, Mercedes brought chicken tamales and El Salvadoran hot chocolate which is extra thick and smells of spices. Interestingly, Mercedes is on the waiting list currently, with this being only her second time to come. Yet, she already felt compelled to express her gratitude through food. It is very special to receive food, knowing it was made with love.
You’ve read in this space a few times in the past month or so about Marcia (MAR-see-uh) who is from Nicaragua and has been in the program since June, with her husband and daughter. She is dealing with her mother’s death last fall and the pressure being put on her family here by the extended family in Nicaragua. She wrote an email, which extends to all of you:
“No había tenido la oportunidad de Agradecer a la comunidad de Jubilee por su valiosa labor y aportación a mi persona. Quisiera contar un poco acerca de mí experiencia: Ingreso al Programa en Junio del 2020 ante la pérdida de mi trabajo en Febrero, no omito manifestar que fue un duro golpe para nuestra economía pues dependen de mí, no solo mi núcleo familiar, sino también mi hermana en Nicaragua. Sumado a esto mi madre fallece y entro a un estado de depresión y stress que hasta hoy me golpea. En Jubilee no solo encontre ayuda alimenticia, también amigos que me escuchan entre ellos Ken. Espero y tengo fé, de que, en este, nuevo año pueda encontrar un nuevo trabajo 🏠y este además lleno de bendiciones en mi vida. Gracias a todas las personas que hacen que este proyecto siga vivo, a sus donadores👏, a esas personas que estan ahí y no puedo ver les deseo inmensas bendiciones y que Dios multiplique su ayuda.❤ De igual manera espero algún día poder retribuir esta ayuda a Jubilee, si Dios🙏 me lo permite siendo una colaboradora en sus labores de ayuda o quizás una donadora si Jehova me bendice con recursos. Nuevamente Gracias Jubilee, un abrazo enorme de mi parte y Bendiciones.” Marcia
“I have not had the opportunity to thank you the Jubilee community for your valuable labor and care for me as a person. I would like to share my experience: I came into the program in June 2020 after I lost my job in February. I cannot state enough the huge economic hit, not only for my immediate family but as well for my sister in Nicaragua. In addition to my mom passing away, which led me to depression and stress that is still affecting me today. At Jubilee, not only did I find help with food, but friends who would listen to me, one of those being Ken. I wait and have faith, I will find a new job in this new year 🏠 and that it will be filled with blessings in my life. Thank you to all the people who make this for this project to continue, to the donors 👏, the people in the building, and others I do not see. I wish you immense blessings and may God multiply your help. ❤ In whatever way, I hope to be able to repay this help to Jubilee, if God 🙏 allows in being a contributor in your efforts or possibly as a donor if Jehovah blesses me with resources. Once again, thank you Jubilee. A great hug on my behalf and blessings.” - Marcia
Uniquely, Denisse, who is the Community Care Coordinator at Jubilee REACH and daily the person checking families in outside, knows this family well and is friends with their daughter. She wrote the following words to add her own perspective:
“I know Marcia since couple of years ago. She is so kind, so peaceful person, she has always a good vibe if you are around her, she is a wonderful mom and I think she is one of the best vets in her country and the whole world.. ❤ Her daughter is a wonderful friend to me .. I’ve been at their house and Marcia treats me like another daughter and I know it’s been so hard for her to heal all the situations that she’s been trough. She helps her family in Nicaragua and I know its not easy being apart from family and friends. Jubilee is something special for her, every time when she comes she always says how grateful she is to get the food and all that we do for families. She doesn’t have a job right now and I know she is waiting for some opportunities to get something soon. She is a believer in God and her faith is huge. My friend ( her daughter ) she is working and studying since I know her. Her husband is a hard worker. And Marcia is so special. 😊 “
Marcia’s testimony and the story are very affirming that, while the tangible needs of families are being met in the form of food and other items, the relational and unseen needs are also being met. This is so heartwarming to hear, and we hope this is true for many more people, even if their stories are never fully known. Simply knowing that someone cares can be such a strong encourager to keep moving forward. While Marcia doesn’t know your names, she knows there are people whom she does not see, making this possible. You. Please receive her gratitude, thanks, and wish for God to bless you. Perhaps, one day, she will become a volunteer at Jubilee, too.
Today’s PM Crew
Thanks for another great day. There is a warmth, which feels strong right now, here at the end of the day. May you feel it too.
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family