Groceries for Families: Week 57 - Day 3
April 29, 2021
We end week 57 of ‘Groceries for Families’ on a very positive note, with nice weather and a steady operation. Everyone enjoyed a warm day, with plenty of sunshine streaming through. Lots of people were in shorts and t-shirts, which was fun to see. The morning was a very steady flow of people with deliveries of groceries, pantry, and hygiene items. Thank you to everyone! Families lined up all the way across the line as we opened at 1pm. By 2pm the line was gone but it returned soon enough and kept up until the end. The last 30 minutes were super busy. The extra food boxes carried over from Tuesday all went out today. Great day!
Rotary Bellevue Sunrise Delivery
Sacred Heart Delivery
Groceries today were provided by Champions Foundation, Rotary Bellevue Sunrise and the Jubilee Friends group, as well as Sacred Heart Parish & School, Lighthouse, First United Methodist, Doxa, Crossroads Bible, Victory Court, Highland Covenant, Overlake Park Presbyterian and Bellevue Presbyterian churches. A total of 187 orders came in today and all went out to families, along with 38 carried over from yesterday. Thank you to all who donated today!
The AM volunteers were from Sacred Heart Parish today, including returning and new volunteers. This group of eight worked hard all morning receiving groceries and other deliveries. They working on the flower bouquets and packed 1 ½ pallets of food boxes. Thank you and well done, crew!
Seattle Gourmet Delivery
An extra delivery from a local distributor came in today with all sorts of sandwiches, snacks, and beverages. All are very popular items in the daily market. Gil and Mike work hard to bring this to Jubilee. Thank you, fellas!
Seattle Gourmet Foods returned with another gift today of many boxes of chocolate treats. They were intended for gift boxes but were extras, so our families will benefit. They will be distributed next week. Thank you, Bret and Mike.
All the remaining food boxes from the week were given to our two partners, El Dios Viviente Church and St. Monica Parish, late today. They are able to distribute it all into the community very quickly, so it reaches people’s homes today. Thank you to them for the efforts each week.
A few stories and updates:
Erwin came late today to pick up food. He works on Thursdays, so comes straight from the restaurant, still wearing his kitchen uniform. His family is doing well, and his wife’s health is stable. He is hoping to get five days of work next week for the first time because of Mother’s Day. If King County goes back to ‘Phase 2’, it may be impacted. Full-time work is a way back to normal for so many families.
Lily came today to take two boxes of sandwiches to Pioneer Square to give to the homeless there. She was so surprised to find the entire area cleaned up and looking fresh. There were actually very few people there. She had to look around for where the homeless were now congregating and did find them. All the sandwiches were passed out. She has such a heart for helping people.
An email from a family: “I just want to say that my family and I are so very grateful and blessed to have the help we’ve encountered throughout the pandemic. I can’t thank you enough for your generosity to help those in need at this time. May God bless each and every one of you and your family. Take Care!! Maria”
An email from a family: “I want to thank all the Jubilee reach Staff, volunteers, Administration, all the sponsors, donors, and everybody who make this program possible for us. My family and I want to extend my sincere gratitude for all the groceries provided with your program. Words can't express what I would like to say. Again thank you so. much. God Bless you all.”
Today’s PM Crew
Thank you for another great week of ‘Groceries for Families’. Please keep these families and this program in your prayers. As you know, we are actively seeking discernment for the future of the program. Please share any thoughts you may have through your own prayer and discernment.
Have a great weekend,
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family