Groceries for Families: Week 66 - Day 1
June 29, 2021
We continue to be protected from extreme weather in this operation. All winter the storms avoided GFF operation days. The intense heat of Sat, Sun, Mon missed us again. It is hard to imagine the operation running yesterday. Under the canopies yesterday was like an oven. Thank you for your prayers.
We begin week 66 of ‘Groceries for Families’ has finally reached the last week of the current GFF phase. Phase 1 ran from March 23 to August 31, 2020. During this phase, families came twice per week and the operation ran six days a week. Phase 2 ran from September 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021. During this phase, families came once per week and the operation ran three days a week. Beginning next week, phase 3 will have families coming one day per week, with the operation running split between Tuesday AM and all day Wednesday. Today’s operation was very slow, even slower than last Tuesday. It is likely a factor of the heat, which remained today around 90 degrees, and the fact that it is the last week. Last Wednesday was super busy, so we’re quite expecting tomorrow to be equally so to balance today.
Bellevue Kiwanis Delivery
Westminster Chapel Delivery
Groceries today were provided by Crossroads Bible, Bellevue Presbyterian, St. Madeleine Sophie, Bellevue Christian Reformed, East Shore Unitarian, Creekside Covenant, Westminster Chapel, Covenant Presbyterian and Cornerstone Fellowship, as well as the Bellevue Kiwanis Club and the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 160 orders came in today and 118 went out to families. The remaining will go out first thing tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who donated today.
Today’s AM Crew
The AM crew was from Bellevue Christian Reformed Church today. All of them were veterans of the shift, so made quick work of the tasks. A lot of deliveries arrived today, which needed to be sorted. They worked hard and did a great job. Thank you and well-done crew!
Each week, a lot so deliveries come in from local stores, so we always want to acknowledge them and thank the volunteers who bring them. Kathy & Dale brought food from Safeway Thrasher’s Corner. Gil brought food from QFC Crossroads x 2. Fred brought food from Whole Foods Bellevue. Fred brought food from Trader Joe’s Overlake. Gil and Mike brought food from a local distributor. Thank you to all the stores and all the volunteers!
Senior Lunches
Senior lunches went out to 31 people in the community today. A very tasty lunch of taco salad and lots of extras were nicely packed by Barb, Liz, and Gina. This program has now been running for 15 months and is such a blessing. Today, Barb discovered one of the men had fallen and was stuck, so-called 911 to come help. It’s so important to stay in the lives of these dear people. Thank you, ladies.
A donation of wooden cube puzzles came from a local family. Today, we passed them out to families for kids 6 and under. They were very popular! They are very high quality and have 6 different animals in the puzzles. Thank you, May!
A few stories and updates:
A family came today with a baby in a stroller. We remember this woman being pregnant in spring 2020. She used to come early to avoid being around the larger crowds. Today was Allan’s one-year birthday! It’s quite amazing to be doing life with some of these families so closely that we’re watching kids grow up in front of us. We all came around here today to celebrate.
Hadassah returned this morning to join us for orientation and led us in prayer. She prays very intently and sweetly. It is full of details and specific requests to God. She is well trained and not timid. She had the full attention of the entire crew.
Alleigha is a Jubilee site coach at Chinook Middle School. When GFF began, she took the lead position to check-in families, working six days a week. This was a time when details of Covid were vague, so she put herself in harm’s way without hesitation. She has a huge impact on Phase 1, helping form the operation. She returns this week to work all three shifts with families, so as to be with us at the end of Phase 2. It is bitter-sweet for her but very appropriate for her to return. In September, her job was taken over by Denisse, who has done it since. This is such a key position in the operation. Thank you to Alleigha and Denisse.
A woman came to say goodbye today, as they are leaving the program. Their family of six is from Mongolia, moving here in early 2020. When the pandemic struck, they had nothing. The GFF program was a lifeline, which they relied upon. Her mother now lives with them. Her husband has found work, so they think they will be fine. She expressed sincere thanks for all the support when they needed it most.
Today’s PM Crew
Looking ahead to next week, there are 161 families continuing to Phase 3 of ‘Groceries for Families’. There are 83 families on the waiting list, over half of which have been added in the last 10 days. We will begin next week’s operation built around the initial 161 and then see how the waiting list can be added.
We said goodbye to many families today. There were many fun moments of families saying goodbye and thank you. Please continue to pray for them.
Thank you for another great day. It is indeed a bitter-sweet week, with plenty of emotions. Perhaps you feel some, as well.
Have a great evening, which is much cooler than last night,
Ken Carpenter
Director- Community Care, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family