Groceries for Families: Week 6 - Day 4
Today was a busy, busy day. The initial rush lasted an hour, with a line onto the grass. Lots and lots people. Many new faces. Many happy people. The weather was a little windy and chilly, but tolerable.
Groceries today were delivered by Doxa, Kalos, Sacred Heart, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Redeemer, and Bellevue Presbyterian churches. A total of 140 were delivered and all went out to families, including about 30 by delivery. We also gave the leftovers from yesterday to some people on the waiting list.
Overlake Park Presbyterian Church Delivery
A very sweet thank you gift was delivered today by two students at Ardmore Elementary and their mother. See to the right for picture.
It is a science-fair board. They made it with their cousin and presented it to me today.
Coach Patrick
Jubilee REACh Site Coach, Patrick happened to be working today, who is the site coach at Ardmore. It was a great exchange.
The thank you is for you all, too!
A picture of a man named Roberto is to the right. He just started coming this week, so today is his 2nd day. He was first in line today and just delighted to be here. I walked him back to his friends truck chatting with him.
I asked permission to take his picture, and he was proud to do so. I just wanted you to see him up close. Nice man.
A third carport was donated today by a friend. The AM crew assembled it and placed it over the market. This gives the market twice the canopy coverage, which is awesome for keeping the market open during rain. Thank you, Ray!
Carport Assembly
Today’s Market
Boxed Lunch Delivery
Box lunches were provided by Microsoft through the Bellevue School District. We had more than we needed, so gave 200+ to a church in West Seattle which is busy feeding a few hundred families.
The pastor drove over in a truck to get them. The rest were all gone today with the families here.
A few notes from churches sent back to me to share:
I cannot thank you enough for choosing to do this through a partnership with churches. You could have asked us to just send people to you to sign up through JR, but our church would have missed a tremendous blessing. So thank you for coordinating this program so we can do it together!
A huge thanks to you BOTH for your leadership in all of this!! Jubilee’s work has been listed as many of our top “God Wins” in our women’s ministry communications. In fact, your occasional updated numbers/stats have been super helpful in succinctly sharing God Wins! People are blown away by CBC’s growing support and how far-reaching this has become. I’m waiting with bated breath to see how God uses these efforts to grow His people and bring people to faith!
Bulk foods went out today: rice, beans, flour, sugar, salt, butter. People love it! I let my imagination see them cooking and baking a little bit. 😊
Thanks for all your love and support. This week in our preopening meeting, we’re talking about what a privileged position our crew is in. We get to be in the middle of this operation, receiving your donations and giving them out to families. We know we are representing you and are pouring the love and joy with which you give, directly to the families. I wish I could express to you all just how special it is and that we are honored to be here for you.
With much love to you all,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH