Groceries for Families: Week 10 - Day 4
Lots of fun here today with awesome deliveries, pleasant families, and super crews. This whole program revolves around people, so delight in meeting so many of them each day is just great. The weather was lovely but felt a lot warmer than the temperature said. All the canopies went up to give some shade.
Groceries were delivered today by Doxa, Kalos, First United Methodist, Sacred Heart School & Parish, Bellevue Presbyterian, Redeemer, and Overlake Presbyterian churches. A total of 184 orders came in and all but 11 went out to families today, including 32 by delivery. The remaining few will go out as deliveries in the morning. Thank you for a huge day! With so many orders, we were able to get many deliveries done, which is a rare blessing on Thursday. Thank you!
Kalos Church Delivery
Sacred Heart Delivery
Families were also offered bulk ingredients today: rice, flour, salt, sugar, and pinto beans, along with butter & oil. It’s fun to watch these go out the door, wondering what families will be cooking, baking, and enjoying because of them. Additionally, each family received two frozen chicken breasts. Thank you to all of you who give these items each week. We pass them out with all the love that you pour into providing them. Thank you!
Food Truck
The church sponsored food truck is here right now until 7:00pm – Cascadia Wood Fired Pizza. We handed out two vouchers to sixty families to return for dinner. Looking out the window now, there are about a dozen people scattered about the parking lot waiting for a tasty meal. Thank you!
The market was full today with a nice assortment of extra foods which came from shoppers, Sysco, Eastside Baby Corner and local food banks which bring things here. The market is great because it allows people to choose for themselves. There is dignity found in this and it matters. Thank you to all who give extra food and items for the market.
Reflections from Ken:
It would be accurate to say community has broken out at Jubilee through this program. Actually, there are three communities within the families, as the individual days are each their own community with the same people coming together twice a week. Some already are friends or neighbors, but others have clearly become acquainted by being here so frequently. There is a clear sense of belonging. It is obvious as people find their way through the line with familiarity and ease. People are comfortable and happy to be here. Like many isolated people, I get the sense there is some fun getting out to a place of calm, where they are known and expected. I love that.
On the flip side, there is also community breaking out each morning with the people delivering groceries and supplies. Friends and fellow church members see each other, sometimes as the only opportunity. It is very common to see groups lingering in the parking lot chatting for 10-20 minutes, delighting in being together. Pastors come to greet their flock for a couple hours. It’s a rare chance to be seen in person, instead of on a screen. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say church sometimes breaks out in the parking lot, filled with love, friendship and a common purpose. I love that, too.
Today we welcome Sacred Heart Parish to the program. Sacred Heart School has been participating for weeks, but today was the first day for the Parish. There were many new faces, and they were all having a delightful time. Some were fretting about getting the groceries just right. All were happy and added a wonderful jolt of newness to the morning here. Welcome and thank you!
If you need dinner, there is still time to come for pizza. Thanks for a great day. Things continue to go very well, as we journey on together.
Have a great and warm evening,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family