Groceries for Families: Week 10 - Day 5
Some of us are getting too much sun with all this summer weather. The sunscreen is going to be coming out soon. Whew! Today was a great day – very smooth all around with lots of happy people here. The crews in the AM and PM were on point, handling the incoming deliveries with calm and the outgoing with efficiency. Just so you know – there is plenty of silliness going on here through all of it, which is awesome.
View from above
BelPres Delivery.
Evangelical Chinese Church Delivery
Groceries today came from Evangelical Chinese, Covenant Presbyterian, Westminster Chapel, Bellevue Presbyterian, and Crossroads Bible churches. A total of 169 orders arrived and all but four went out to families today, including 2 by delivery. Thanks to all who came here this morning. It’s so great to see so many people serving together, with many faces returning weekly. Thank you!
Crossroads Bible Church Delivery
Box lunches were delivered yesterday and today by the Bellevue School District and Microsoft. They are great lunches, full of good food, and very popular with families. Today was the last day of the sponsored lunches, after at least 8 weeks – maybe more. Thank you BSD for including Jubilee in your deliveries! Thank you Microsoft!
The market was full of great options for families to choose. We try to balance a good mix of canned, boxed, fruit, vegetables and more. There is a large bin of feminine hygiene in the market, so women can choose themselves what they need. It is very popular and something we restock regularly over the two hour window.
Thank you to all who give toward this and provide the extra food for the market.
Today’s Market
A personal story from Ken:
There is a family which comes every Tuesday and Friday which I look forward to seeing every day. It is a dad and three kids, about 7, 9 & 11. The dad is quiet, yet does carry a conversation with me. The kids are very nice and stay close to their dad. It’s two boys and a girl, so there are regular conversations about who needs to carry the groceries for dad. The oldest boy definitely wants to carry the heaviest. On Tuesday, the oldest wasn’t there, so today we had him carry ALL the groceries, which the other two just loved. I recently asked about their mom/wife, who they had referred to sometimes. She is a nurse taking care of seniors in Seattle, so she goes to work at 3pm daily. They are rightly very proud of her. Hopefully, we’ll see her in person one day. This is just one of the many families, but one I’ve grown very fond of.
Thanks for a great day, again. Our thanks to all who are helping in this program, it is very heartfelt and needs to be poured on your daily. Thank you, a million times, thank you!
Tomorrow will mark the last day of week 10. Saturday mornings are quick, so it takes lots of effort to get it all done. We’re looking forward to it.
Blessings to you all,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family