Groceries for Families: Week 13 - Day 2
Another nice day on the ranch today! The weather couldn’t make up its mind between rain and sun, but in the end, we stayed dry enough when it mattered. A 12:55pm rain shower did have the crew scrambling to quickly get the canopies up, though. Right now, the evening looks to be lovely.
Creekside Delivery
Crossroads Bible Delivery
Groceries today came from Crossroads Bible, Cornerstone, Creekside Covenant, Westminster Chapel, and Bellevue Presbyterian churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 169 orders came in and all went out to families today. It was a very smooth morning with deliveries. Thank you to everyone who helped today!
Food boxes were delivered this morning by Pacific Coast. We’re able to get these through the government, but they aren’t intended for the families here.
As you've read here before, Viviente Dios Methodist Church in White Center has become our close partner all spring long. The Pastor comes here twice each Tuesday to bring them to his church for distribution. Today, Pastor Guzman told me the food distribution has become an amazing community event, which is spreading.
When he has food, word spreads quickly, and people come. He knows many people come to the church for food, who would otherwise never come to a church. He is very encouraged that all of this will bring people in their community closer together, which will serve benefits for years to come. He is a great man.
Food Box Delivery
Because of the rain, the food boxes were under the canopy where the market normally goes. So, there wasn’t a market today. We put out all the fresh produce near the front of the line, so families could take some extra. Tomorrow, the market will be back and should be quite full.
Personal note from Ken:
Today, our son graduated from Newport High School. I stepped away from Jubilee REACH for a few hours to watch the online graduation at home. We then went to the high school as a family for a drive through diploma hand-off and picture. We borrowed a friends 1969 Camaro to make it even more fun. See below of the picture of Evan (on the left) with his long-time friend, Matthew, standing in front of the Camaro and Firebird. Evan will attend Seattle Pacific Univerity next fall and run for their Track team. (This is just a shameless plug from a proud papa.)
Today’s PM Crew
This ‘Groceries for Families’ program continues to make such a difference in this community. If you haven’t yet come for a tour, please reach out. We’d love you all to see it up close. Together, we are meeting a real need right in the middle of this crisis. Thank you for the continued support these many weeks. Keep going! It is working!
Blessings to you all,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family