Groceries for Families: Week 13 - Day 3

Wednesday sure seems to get here fast.  Wow, I can’t believe it.  The turning of the weather came about 12:30pm today when the clouds broke and gave way to warm sunshine.  We had to hustle to put up canopies for shade.  It made for a simply delightful and comfortable afternoon.  Families seem to take their time in coming today, with the opening line being quite small.  By 1:20pm, the line was growing and stayed steady until 3:00pm.  Busy day!

24-Seven Delivery

24-Seven Delivery

BCRC Delivery

BCRC Delivery

Groceries today were delivered by Bellevue Presbyterian, Highland Covenant, Bellevue Christian Reformed, and St. Louise churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group.  A total of 159 orders came in and all went out to families today, including one by delivery.  It was a busy place this morning, with lots of activities with groceries and other items coming in.  Thank you to all who participated today!

The Brandao families lives nearby and has been making lovely cloth masks for a few weeks, delivering about 50 each week.  To the right a is a picture of the newest batch that came today. 

They are all full of color and fun patterns.  We use them to give to anyone who only has a cloth mask.  People absolutely love them! 

We’re seeing more and more of them returning, which is fun.  Thank you Brandao family!

Masks Delivery

Masks Delivery

Catering Dinners

Catering Dinners

You will remember the first mention of Blue Plate Seattle last week, which is a catering company near the U-district. 

They returned today with 200 ready-to-eat meals of spaghetti, hamburgers and chicken strips, as well as rice-crispy-treat bars.  See to the left for a picture of them in the market today.  They are a very fun addition and will also be her tomorrow & Friday.  Thank you, Bruce!

Today was the last day this week for families to receive hygiene items.  Thank you to everyone who filled the pantry this week.  We are now well-stocked to give families toothbrushes beginning Monday.  Stay tuned!  Tomorrow will begin the bulk ingredients of flour, rice, sugar, salt, and pinto beans.  See below for a picture of the staging area.  We are ready to go!  Thank you to everyone who helped fill these bins this week.

Ready for Tomorrow

Ready for Tomorrow

A few emails from families today:

  • Quiero darle las gracias por toda la ayuda que me ha brindado por todo este tiempo, ya que para mi y mi familia nos ayudamos mucho Dios bendiga todas las personas que hacen posible esta gran ayuda.

I want to thank you for all the help you have given me during all this time, especially because my family and I have been really helped by this. God bless you all the people who made this great help possible.

  • Hola buenos días, solo para hacerle saber que por ahora NO necesitaremos el programa de comida, y para agradecerle a todas las personas que de alguna otra manera nos brindaron esos alimentos, pues nos ayudó bastante, fue de mucha ayuda, también gracias a todas las personas que estuvieron repartiendo la comida siempre muy amables. Que Dios los bendiga por siempre.🙂

Hello, good morning, I just wanted to make known that for the time being, we do not need help with groceries and to thank all the people that in different forms gave us food. It helped us a lot, and it was a lot of help, also thank you to the people giving out the food, always very kind. God bless you always.🙂

Today’s PM Crew

Today’s PM Crew

Today was a great day!  Nothing overly unique happened, but it was a typical day in the life of this program.  Food is the center of this, but the real way we are serving people is through relationship, love, and friendship.  Please continue to pray for these 600+ families, which represent nearly 3000 people in our community.  They are lovely people.

Bring on the warm evenings!  Tomorrow shall be another day.

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family 



Groceries for Families: Week 13 - Day 4


Groceries for Families: Week 13 - Day 2