Groceries for Families: Week 14 - Day 4
The building was still warm this morning, so the doors flew open at 7am with the fan pulling in cool air from the morning. It helps a lot! Yet, by this afternoon the building was warm again. Right now, it is quite toasty. The sun definitely kept families from lining up at the start. It was a constant trickle all afternoon, so no one had to stand in the hot sun. It was another great day.
Today’s AM Crew
Groceries today came from Sacred Heart, Kalos, Overlake Park Presbyterian, Redeemer, First United Methodist, Bellevue Presbyterian, and Doxa churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 173 orders came in and all but 10 went out to families, including 36 by delivery. The remaining will go out as deliveries tomorrow. The morning was very smooth, with lots of shoppers dropping off. Thank you to everyone who participated today. Wow!
Doxa Delivery.
Redeemer Delivery
We were honored to have a visit from two Washington State Legislators who represent the Eastside, My-Linh Thai and Vandana Slatter. They came to see the ‘Groceries for Families’ operation and were toured around by Randy, Scott and Dave this morning. See below for picture. Thank you for the visit!
Today’s Visitors
The market was full today with lots of great extras: apples, onions, potatoes, celery, lettuce, kale, tortillas and more.
It’s wonderful when families can take another bag full of food which they were able to choose for themselves.
Thank you to all who provided these extras.
Today’s Market
Tomorrow evening the food truck will return from 4pm-7pm. Vouchers will be handed out to families in the afternoon, redeemable for a dinner from the MexiCuban Truck, sponsored by a local church. If you need dinner plans, please come by Jubilee REACH. They need cash paying customers too.
An email from a family:
Para las personas de buen corazón : Espero que este día sea bendecido y todos los demás: estoy escribiendo esta nota para contar un poco de mi historia y para dar Gracias , somos una familia hispana que trabajamos muy duro para salir adelante , asta febrero de 2020 nuestra situación era estable , asta que a principios de marzo perdí mi trabajo por la pandemia, a las pocas semanas mi esposo también trajo noticias que en su trabajo habían reducido las horas labórale por la misma situación, estamos en una situación de incertidumbre al igual que muchas familias actualmente, la situación estaba empeorando cada día y la preocupación era cada día más grande ,afortunadamente alguien nos habló de este programa al cual aplique inmediatamente, y fui aceptada , eso cambio mucho nuestra situación puesto que ya teníamos una preocupación menos , a muchas familias al igual que a mi la ayuda que recibimos de personas como ustedes nos dio una esperanza dentro de tanta incertidumbre, es como encontrar un rayo de luz en la oscuridad, por eso con todo el corazón agradezco mucho por la ayuda que están dando y por tomarse el tiempo de pensar en las demás personas,muchísimas Gracias, Dios bendiga muchos su vida y sus acciones , que los proteja de todo mal y que les dé mucha felicidad al igual que ustedes an dado a las familias, GRACIAS MIL GRACIAS POR AYUDAR EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES LOS HUMANOS NOS PODEMOS OLVIDAR DE LAS BUENAS ACCIONE, PERO DIOS NO SE OLVIDA , que tengan una linda vida y con mucha felicidad
To the people with a good heart: I hope this day is blessed and all the others as well: I am writing this note to share a little bit about my story and to give thanks. We are a Hispanic family that works really hard to keep moving ahead. Until February 2020 our situation was stable, until the beginning of March when I lost my job due to the pandemic, and a a few weeks later my husband also gave us the news that his hours at work had been reduced due to the same situation. We are in a situation with a lot of uncertainty, as so many family are. The situation was worsening each day and the worry each day was bigger. Fortunately, someone told us about this program so we applied immediately and I was accepted. This changed our situation by a lot because we had one less worry. To many families like me, the help we have received from people like you gave us hope under so much uncertainty, it is like finding a ray of light in the darkness. This is why with all of my heart, I thank you for the help you have given us and for taking the time to think of others. Very many thanks. God bless your lives and your actions, may He protect you from all evil and give you much happiness in the way you have given to so many families. THANK YOU, A THOUSAND THANK YOUS FOR HELPING IN DIFFICULT TIMES. AS HUMANS WE MAY FORGET GOOD DEEDS, BUT GOD DOES NOT FORGET. May you have a beautiful life and with much happiness.
Today’s PM Crew
Thank you for another lovely day. The crews working here each day knowingly receive all the love, energy, effort, and treasure poured into the groceries, hygiene items and extras brought to Jubilee. They receive it and pass it along in abundance to the families, as your stewards. Thank you for all you’re doing to sustain this wonderful program.
Have a great evening, wherever you are,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family