Groceries for Families: Week 14 - Day 5

The heat today seemed to slow everything down.  Weird.  The whole afternoon operation felt sluggish, yet by the end most of the families had shown up.  We thought the sun was keeping some people away.  We also had ample staffing, which made things a lot easier.  Whatever it was, it made for a good day that just felt in slow motion.  Tonight it looks like rain is coming, which would actually be a welcome relief.

Covenant Pres Delivery

Covenant Pres Delivery

Groceries today came from Crossroads Bible, Evangelical Chinese, Covenant Presbyterian, Westminster Chapel, and Bellevue Presbyterian churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group.  A total of 175 orders came in and all went out to families today, including five by delivery.  The morning went very well and started earlier than normal, with deliveries coming before the full staff arrived.  Not a problem, but it meant those in the building needed to scramble a bit. 😊  Thanks to everyone who participated today.

BelPres Delivery

BelPres Delivery

ECC Delivery

ECC Delivery

Westminster Delivery

Westminster Delivery

Lots of pantry items have been arriving since Wednesday. 

A pile has formed each morning in the Big Room, which gets sorted and put away by volunteers each afternoon. 

Thank you to everyone who is giving to stock the pantry.  So great!

Today’s Market

Today’s Market

Senior Lunch Delivery

Senior Lunch Delivery

Lunch was delivered today by volunteers to 25 seniors in the community, courtesy of the Bellevue Fire Department.  (picture on the left)  Thank you BFB and NCL/NLYM volunteers!

The food truck is here tonight until 7pm. 
Come if you need dinner!

Emails from families this week:

  • Hola ,buenos dias ,este correo es para agradecer toda la ayuda que nos estan dando en estos momentos difíciles, de verdad que es un gran apoyo , y de mucha ayuda ,Dios los bendiga y les multiplique ,nuevamente gracias...

Hello, good morning, this email is to thank for all the help you all are giving us during these difficult moments. In all honesty, it is a great support and of very much help. God bless you and multiply. Once again, thank you...

  • Hi there!  I can now do grocery pick up once a week, therefore I’d like it to go to someone whose needs require twice a week grocery program.  I am incredibly thankful to Jubilee. As a newly single mom of 3 kids, furloughed in March and not receiving any child support I can say that Jubilee has helped above and beyond.  Thank you to so many people. I wish I knew all their names. I am grateful.  

  • Wow! Daniel, thank you so much! We got some vouchers from the school but no produce. But then I got home to so much produce from Jubilee REACH! It's like Christmas in June.  

Today’s PM Crew

Today’s PM Crew

Thanks for such a great day.  There are so many good things happening through this program.  Tomorrow will be an early morning, with a very busy time.  Saturdays are special.

May the rain coming water your lawn in abundance!

Have a nice evening,

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family 


Groceries for Families: Week 14 - Day 6


Groceries for Families: Week 14 - Day 4