Groceries for Families: Week 14 - Day 6

It sure feels like Saturday gets the worst of the weather – hot, cold, or rain.  The rain this morning came right at 10am as we opened up to families.  The canopies were essential and were able to keep everyone in line dry.  It definitely kept some families away at the start, but by 11:15am the rush to the finish line finally started.  The last 20 minutes were as busy as the first.  Despite the rain, it was a delightful day.

ECC Delivery

ECC Delivery

Victory Court Delivery

Victory Court Delivery

Groceries this morning came from Bellevue Presbyterian, Victory Court, and Evangelical Chinese churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group.  A total of 147 orders came in and all went out to families today.  It was a very smooth morning of deliveries and most got in before the rain started.  Thank you to everyone who participated today.  Enjoy the time-lapse below, courtesy of Sam.

The market was well stocked today with fresh foods: lettuce, kale, rosemary, apples, onions, potatoes.  It’s always great to offer so much fresh food.  Thanks to everyone who donates to the market.

The switch from bulk foods to hygiene items has been made in the front lobby.  The pantry is well stocked.  (see to the right for picture)  Early next week families will be offered some unique items which have come in:  dishwasher pods, laundry pods, sunscreen, hand soap all-purpose cleaning spray.  All of these are great extra items.  Thank you to everyone who filled up the pantry this week.

Ready for Monday

Ready for Monday

Here's a unique need we have if anyone would like to step into the gap.  For small children who come with their parents, we like to have small fun things to give them when they are waiting in line.  Today, for example, was the birthday of a 4-year-old.  So, we gave her a small reading book and a dot-to-dot book.  She just beamed!  Our supply of such items is gone.  If this touches your heart, we’d love to get some new supply.  Ideas would be: bubble wands, coloring books, dot-to-dot books, stickers, reading books (young kids), activity books, colored pencils, etc.  A variety for boys and girls is good.  Think 3-9 years old.  Thank you in advance.

Today was the final day of the week for bulk ingredient items.  Here’s a tally of the number of bags given out over the three days this week:

  • Flour: 168 bags given out or 345lbs

  • Rice: 234 bags given out or 585lbs

  • Beans: 238 bags given out or 286lbs

  • Sugar: 302 bags given out or 286lbs

  • Salt: 234 bags given out or 153lbs

As with each Saturday, here’s a look at statistics to date after 14 weeks:

  • Program Days: 84

  • Families currently in the program: 664+

  • People in these families: 2988 (approximate)

  • Grocery orders provided to-date: 11,696

  • Churches & Organizations engaged: 28

  • Different shoppers participating: 1050 (approximate)

The largest need we have is #6 diapers.  It’s an ongoing process to keep the pantry stocked of these.  Thank you to everyone who has brought these diapers here this week.  What was a near-empty spot on the floor, now has inventory.  But they go fast, so we’re always looking ahead.  Thank you in advance.

We end this week with 664 families in the program.  This includes 43 new families added (which was a surprising boost) and 16 families removed from the program.  As written a week ago, this coming week is set up to proactively remove families from the program who are not coming regularly or have told us they can sustain themselves again.  There isn’t an end goal, but we expect to see a decline in numbers of at least 100 by July 4.

Looking ahead to the coming holiday, there will be no changes in the grocery program on or around July 4.

Today’s Crew

Today’s Crew

Today marks the last day of week 14 of this ‘Groceries for Families’ program.  It continues to cruise right along with so many good things happening.  Thank you all for the continued participation, prayers, support, and love for the people of our community.  It’s just so great to be in this with you all.

Thanks for a great week.  Tomorrow is a day of rest.  Be back Monday.

Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family 


Groceries for Families: Week 15 - Day 1


Groceries for Families: Week 14 - Day 5