Groceries for Families: Week 24 - Day 2
Day 2 of the new program went a little better than day 1, mainly because we ganged up on it with extra staffing in the afternoon. The morning went fine with shoppers coming steadily. There were wonderful conversations with very happy people dropping off groceries. Love that! The afternoon had slightly fewer families than yesterday, and we were a day wiser so did things a little better. Having 4 extra people also made a huge difference. The weather is just awesome right now. Overall, it’s worth calling this a great day.
Crossroads Bible Delivery
BCRC Delivery
Groceries today came from Bellevue Christian Reformed, Bellevue Presbyterian, Crossroads Bible, St. Louise Parish and Redeemer churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 99 orders came in today, plus the 11 carried over from yesterday. We were able to put together 30 orders from extras and purchasing some items this morning. So, in total, 140 orders were here today and all went out to families today. Even one order for tomorrow showed up late today from someone who can’t come tomorrow. That order went to a woman who had told us she couldn’t come until 5pm. The lobby is bare! Thank you to everyone who donated today. Perfect!
Unloading Food Boxes
Ed took the Jubilee box truck to Farmer Frog in Woodinville this morning at 8am to get food boxes for today.
This is how we’re currently filling the gap until the new USDA food boxes come on September 22. He brought back 6 pallets (360 boxes) of food. 180 of them were produce. 180 were dairy and meat. It was an amazing feat to get them off the truck. No one was injured!
The crew brought the produce boxes into the lobby and then emptied the dairy & meat from the others into the coolers.
It was a major operation by itself. We didn’t finish until just before 1pm when families came. It looks like this will be the new reality in version 1.5.
24-Seven Delivery
A few volunteers has been angels this week in helping with bulk shopping to supplement the food boxes, using money donated to Jubilee for the grocery program. Both yesterday and today, volunteers brought large quantities of eggs, tomatoes and bananas to help round out the food boxes. Another is already scheduled for tomorrow. Thank you!
A volunteer from Covenant Pres brought a cooler of cold beverages and snacks for the staff today. Let me tell you, at 2:15pm when we were all tired, sweaty and still working hard, those were gifts from heaven. Thank you, Chris!
Food Truck
Senior lunches were delivered yesterday to 25 people in the community by Barb and her crew. Barb does an amazing job of home cooking a meal in the Jubilee kitchen each week and adding lots of extras. Thank you!
We are overrun with bags of potatoes and bags of onions here. If anyone has a way to use these, please email back. We need to get creative in finding a way to move these along.+
The food truck is here tonight. Thank you BelPres for sponsoring it. Many people are in the parking lot right now, as this is typed.
This is an email sent to the Jubilee staff from Liz, who works at Jubilee and has served on the grocery crews from the beginning. This is pure poetry and captures incredibly well, I think, what many people feel.
Hi all,
Today I was staring out my office window as I zoned out for a minute from monotonously entering donations into our database. I have a second-floor view of the Groceries for Families. I saw two women talking on the lawn and families loading cars with fresh food. I saw Ken in his neon vest balancing two boxes and a grocery bag on the way to someone’s car. I saw feet shuffling in line under the carport. I saw vehicles pulling in and out of the parking lot – coming and going from the rest of their complex, busy, beautiful, and lives.
Then it dawned on me just how incredible it is that I get to be at this intersection of real community. One person comes in the morning with their groceries. In the afternoon, it’s their neighbors, coworkers, fellow parents of BSD students who receive these groceries. But it’s not a one-way transaction.
I’ve seen our neighbors’ artwork on cards going into bags of groceries. And I’ve seen the artwork of kids who eat those groceries line our walls in the center. I’ve eaten the delicious rice pudding that afternoon families have made. And I’ve eaten one too many donuts that families have dropped off for us staff in the morning. Families on both sides of the program have shared how they loving talking with people when they come to Jubilee – they have a sense of community here.
I’m not just entering numbers into a database. I’m standing at this intersection of community. I get to connect the generosity of our community with the lives of real people around me. And I get to witness and partake in the various forms of gratitude and generosity families reciprocate. It’s a beautiful thing to have a job like this, and I’m thankful to work with you all and thankful for the joy and diligence each of you brings to the table. Keep up the good work in whatever you are doing – It matters.
With gratitude,
Liz Meyer
Investor Relations Coordinator
Today’s PM Crew
Thanks for a great day. All the love you all pour into this program through your time, treasure, and energy is passed along to families every day. The crew is very aware they are being ‘sent’ by you. May this daily email bring you closer to those who you are supporting in this community we all call home.
Blessings to you all,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family