Groceries for Families: Week 24 - Day 3
On the scale of difficulty, today was much better than yesterday and waaaay better than Tuesday. Thank goodness! It helped that families didn’t all arrive at 1pm with an endless line. We go through the first rush by 1:30pm, which is very normal. It made the rest of the afternoon much easier. We’re still working on the new operation to make it better, and it will take some time. But, overall, it was a great day to end the week. Shoppers dropping off groceries this morning was wonderful. It’s always so nice to see so many faces. The weather seems to be getting warmer.
Lighthouse Delivery
Groceries today came from Lighthouse, Bellevue Presbyterian, Crossroads Bible, Highland Covenant, Sacred Heart Parish, Sacred Heart School, First United Methodist and Doxa churches, as well as the Jubilee Friends group. A total of 129 orders came in today and all but 4 went out to families today, including 2 by delivery. Thank you to everyone who participated today. The new program is working!!!
Highland Covenant Delivery
First United Methodist Delivery
Food Box Delivery
Ed and Kandan (site coaches) left early this morning to be at Farmer Frog for an 8am pick up.
They returned with six pallets of food boxes, which we used as the core of the groceries today.
It takes quite a bit of labor to get these boxes, unpack the perishables and then repack them for families.
But it is a wonderful bridge in Version 1.5 until 2.0 arrives on September 22. For now, this is working and is getting nourishing food for families.
Thank you to all the crew who made it all happen this week with their sweat and muscle. Wow!
Eastside Baby Corner Delivery
The weekly delivery from Eastside Baby Corner came today, as it does most Thursdays.
A carload of needed diapers arrived in the late morning with Theresa. Thank you to this wonderful organization and valuable partner.
A few emails from families to share:
Hi, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who makes this free grocery program for us who needed it. Thank you Donors and volunteers who give all their time and effort. I'm so grateful for all you do. Besides, it helps me a lot. My siblings are counting on my financial support the little money I saved helps them. Words can’t hardly express what I want to say. Take care all of you. Again thank you so much.
A todas esas personas maravillosas que dan su ayuda , tiempo, a las personas voluntarias FELICITO!!!!! Por ese gesto noble y grande de corazón !!!! Gracias por esa ayuda que recibimos!!!!! Durante el tiempo que fuimos por esta necesidad de alimento, y poder aliviar solo me queda decir DiosNuestro Creador bendiga a cada uno!!!!!!!! Mil bendiciones y mis respeto para todos ustedes, que dieron un aliciente para poder continuar en estos momentos tan difíciles, gracias gracias gracias
To all those wonderful people who give their help, time, to the volunteers, CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! For that noble and great gesture of heart !!!! Thanks for the help we received !!!!! During the time that we went for this need for food, and to be able to relieve I can only say God Our Creator bless each one!!!!!!!! A thousand blessings and my respect for all of you, who gave an incentive to continue in these difficult times, thank you, thank you thank you
There enough remaining food from the boxes today, that we’ve invited all the families to come at 9am tomorrow if they want any extra. It is necessary to get the refrigerators empty for the food coming next Tuesday. Plus, some are perishable, which need to go home with someone. Hopefully, plenty will come.
With families coming only Tue, Wed and Thu, this week is complete for food distribution. Tomorrow and Monday will be office days, which is a welcome window of time. This email will return on Tuesday.
Today’s PM Crew
Thank you for a wonderful first week of Version 1.5. It is working, and we’re grateful to everyone for making the transition.
Have a great holiday weekend,
Ken Carpenter
Service Coordinator, Jubilee REACH
On behalf of the Jubilee family