Groceries for Families: Week 27 - Day 2
Today was a great day, but oh so rainy. As I pulled up to the Jubilee center it felt very much like a classic Seattle Fall day. Two volunteers came this morning and helped our team get prepared by organizing and assembling diaper packs. It is amazing how much behind the scenes work our volunteers do every single day to ensure Groceries for Families is successful. Thank you to all those who have volunteered during a shift
Morning drop off
Throughout the morning bags were delivered at a consistent rate. Deliveries were made from members of Bellevue Christian Reform, 24-Seven, Bellevue Presbyterian, Crossroads Bible, St. Louise, Newport Covenant, Bellevue Breakfast Rotary, Rotary Club of Bellevue, Newport Covenant, Calvary Chapel Eastside, Westminster, and Jubilee Friends!
All your bags are helping feed families so thank you for taking the time to come this morning to deliver them. I also wanted to give a huge shout out to our Jubilee Friends group today.
Most of the Jubilee Friends bags came from one lady who heard about Groceries for Families and was moved to help in some way. She reached out to friends to help raise funds to provide multiple bags, shopped for all the items, and then delivered them. As we chatted, I could see the joy on her face of giving. It was a beautiful reminder that good things, like Groceries for families, is still happening because God’s people are acting.
Along with bags being delivered, we received some watermelon from Farmer Frog which will be put in the market tomorrow. Our PM crew worked hard helping families take bags to their car, prepare more bags, and just be a friendly face to the community. All their hard work was seen, as many joyful families went way with food. Thank you, Jubilee REACH team, for all you do!
As scheduled, we have a food truck arriving this evening. Each family received a voucher to enjoy some warm food tonight! If you are available or willing to embrace some rain, come over to the center and join us!
Afternoon Serving Families
PM Crew
Well friends, that is all I have for you today. It was a wonderful, and semi chilly, day at Groceries for Families.
As I write this I am sitting in Ken’s office, listening to the rain, and watching our team serve families. Observing this makes my heart very full. Knowing that I won’t be seeing all the behind the scenes work once Ken returns is bitter-sweet.
I am excited to get to spend more time with my students at the Sammamish High School but also will miss daily interactions with the amazing people that make Groceries for Families possible.
Thank you again for allowing me to be the voice who shares this program with you.
Excited to write one more day! Have a warm and blessed evening.
Your Jubilee Family- Erika Dull, Jubilee REACH Managing Site Coach