Groceries for Families: Week 27 - Day 3
Happy Thursday! On this windy and rainy day, we finished up serving families during Week 27 of Groceries for Families. Our team worked hard and fast this morning, not only to prepare for the afternoon but also to stay warm. Sadly, in the hustle and bustle, I forgot to take pictures during the AM shift, my deepest apologies. While there were no pictures, know I am fully enjoying the images of some of our coaches drenched from the rain. All joking aside, it is amazing to know we have a team who steps up to serve regardless if it is sunny or rainy.
PM Crew Member
Also, yesterday I sent a follow-up email with the volunteer link. Many of you kindly told me that all the slots were filled. One, praise the Lord! I am so grateful that people are able to come alongside our team to help serve the Bellevue community. Two, I believe some of October was open and we hope to add more slots next week upon Ken’s return. We are excited to bring more people in as we show love and service to those in need.
Now, today we received donations from Lighthouse Church, Bellevue Presbyterian, Crossroads Bible, Highland Covenant, Sacred Heart School and Church, OPPC, FUMC, Doxa, and Jubilee Friends. We appreciate all your donations! Along with the bags being dropped off, we also received a food donation from QFC and picked up some watermelon and corn from Farmer Frog. Thank you to Ed who was willing to go to Farmer Frog as well as other stores to pick up all the food we needed for the families today! I know it is very appreciated by the families.
Before the afternoon started our team moved the tents over to a new location (see picture to the left) so the families waiting would be dry. Of course, after we did that the good Lord’s sense of humor made the rain stopped while we served families. It was a gift that we aren’t expecting, but it was one that made today better. The line this afternoon went smoothly, and families excitedly took their food and headed home.
Waiting under tents
As we prepare for next week, I want to leave a few more things with you all. Today, we realized we are still in need of many Laundry Pods if we want to meet the amount we need to serve the families this upcoming Tuesday-Thursday. If you or people you know would be willing to drop some off, it would be a great help. Along with that, Ken comes back next week! Please join me in welcoming him back next week as you see him during drop off or hear from his emails. Thirdly, please continue to pray for our team. Like many of you, we are all adjusting to what normal life looks like. Many of us are tired, confused, frustrated, and wanting answers on when things may get back to what we were used to. While we don’t have a timeline of when or if that will happen, we ask for you to pray for us to continue with boldness, caring hearts, and an openness to what God has for us in this season.
All right friends, crazily enough this will be my final time signing off on the newsletter. It has been such a blessing to me to get to know you all a bit more. I loved hearing your responses to my newsletter, your stories of how you are getting involved with us and seeing familiar faces of people I would never have met if I wasn’t covering for Ken. Thank you again, and it’s been a huge pleasure.
Blessings to you,
Your Jubilee Family- Erika Dull, Jubilee REACH Managing Site Coach